  • 學位論文


Influence on the Behavior of Consumer for Introducing Green Supply Chain in the Domestic Notebook Computer Industry

指導教授 : 陳敦基


隨著永續發展潮流的趨勢,許多國家紛紛推行制定諸多環保法令與活動,如WEEE、RoHS及EuP法令,規範企業必須透過其供應商管理、生產配銷與物流系統,藉由綠色供應鏈管理,執行更環保的生產製程,降低對環境危害。本研究從需求面角度並以國內筆記型電腦產業為例,探討消費者對於企業在綠色供應鏈營運下所生產之綠色筆記型電腦產品,其消費偏好與選擇行為分析,並運用經濟學之消費者剩餘理論,衡量其貨幣化效益變動。   本研究可分為兩部分,第一部分為考量消費者在選購綠色供應鏈產品時,其綠色形象因素往往會與其他產品屬性或消費者社經變數形成某種權衡關係,故本研究嘗試透過結構方程模式並以綠色形象變數作為干擾變數,分析消費者對綠色供應鏈產品之消費偏好。第二部探討當筆記型電腦產業導入綠色供應鏈營運後,回收成本於產品價格變動以及考慮綠色形象變數下,構建綠色供應鏈產品需求模式,並運用經濟學之消費者剩餘理論,結合綠色供應鏈導入前後之選擇模式,進而具體推估企業導入綠色供應鏈營運前後所發生之貨幣化消費者剩餘變動分析。   實證結果顯示:(1)筆記型電腦產品功能、品牌、價格與綠色形象以及消費者的性別、年齡與所得會影響消費者購買筆記型電腦產品行為偏好;(2)在干擾效果檢定部分僅價格達顯著,表示消費者願意多付額外費用以購買更綠色的筆記型電腦產品;(3)若企業僅導入正向綠色供應鏈,可為消費者帶來約1736.58元之效益。而當企業導入完整綠色供應鏈(結合正逆向綠色供應鏈)時,將可提升消費者效益至2297.35元;(4)無論企業導入正向綠色供應鏈或完整綠色供應鏈,均以SONY使用者獲得效益最高。


With the trend of sustainable development, many countries increasingly begin to make laws organize actions related to environmental protection For example, WEEE, RoHS and EuP issued by European Union require enterprises using a greener production process and reduce damanges to the environment through a green supply chain management - supplier management, production and distribution and logistics system. This study chose the domestic notebook computer industry as an example to investigate and analyze consumers’ consumption preference and selection behavior for the green notebook products manufactured by enterprises operating in green supply chain from the demand perspective. Furthermore, this study adopted the consumer surplus theory to measure the changes of monetization benefit.   The study was divided into two parts. In the first part of this study, considering the tradeoff between products’ attributes and consumers’ socioeconomic variables, this study used green image as a moderator variable to analyze the consumers’ consumption preference to green supply chain products by using a structure equation modeling. In the second part of this study, it established a demand model of green supply chain products with the considerations of recycle cost which reflected in products price and the variable of green image after the notebook industry introduced the green supply chain. Moreover, it estimated the changes of the benefit of consumer surplus before and after enterprises introduced the green supply chain applying customer surplus theory and disaggregate choice model before and after enterprises introduced.it.   In validation, this study had the following important findings: (1) The function, brand, price, and green image of notebook products and consumers’ gender, age, and income would affect consumers’ consumption preference. (2) For moderation effect, only price of notebook had moderation effects on green image. It showed that consumers would pay a higher price for green products. (3) When enterprises only introduced the forward green supply chain, it could produce N.T.1736.58 dollars benefits for consumers. However, while enterprises introduced both forward and reverse green supply chain, it could produce N.T.2297.35 dollars benefits for consumers. (4) For user’s consumer surplus change, for enterprises using the forward green supply chain or both forward and reverse green supply chain, the users of SONY had the most benefits.


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