  • 學位論文


The Effects of Products’ Attributes of Electric Bicycles on Purchase Intention from Perceptual Cognition Model─Government Subsidies as The Moderating Variable

指導教授 : 羅惠瓊


近幾年全球暖化的問題日益嚴重,提升了民眾的環保意識。此外,油價不斷地飆升,全球各國開始尋求替代能源,帶動了環保電動車輛的發展。與此同時,全球人口爆增且不斷往都市集中,大眾運輸的需求即將超過負荷,民眾開始尋求輕鬆休閒且環保節能的代步工具。而電動自行車的特質恰符合上述之趨勢,因此本研究將以該產品進行探討分析。 我國政府為鼓勵民眾購買電動自行車以響應節能減碳,因而推動補助措施,然而此補助措施的激勵效果卻不如預期顯著。為了解民眾對電動自行車的購買行為,從過去的研究可發現,產品屬性、個人態度以及自身對於產品的知覺認知都會影響購買意願。但以往的研究中大多在探討單一變數對購買行為的關係,並沒有考慮到消費者的購買行為其實是透過一連串的知覺認知所構成的。因此,本研究試圖以知覺認知模型探討消費者在購買產品之決策中所產生的知覺認知過程及其影響,並加入產品屬性、環保態度、政府補貼這幾項變數進行分析,以找出影響消費者購買電動自行車的關鍵因素。最後,再利用條件評估法推估願付價格,並對廠商與政府提出管理意涵之建議。 本研究以問卷方式針對雙北市各地區年齡20歲以上會騎腳踏車或機車的人進行調查,共得有效問卷505份,並經過分析後獲得下列結果: 一、產品屬性重視度前五名分別為電池續航力、價格合理、電池壽命、電池充電時間長短、售後服務。 二、形式屬性會顯著影響知覺犧牲,知覺屬性會顯著影響知覺品質。 三、知覺品質對知覺價值有正向影響。 四、知覺價值對購買意願有正向影響,但對願付價格的影響則不顯著。 五、知覺價值在知覺品對購買行為的影響關係上具有中介效果。 六、環保態度對知覺價值沒有顯著影響。 七、政府補貼瞭解程度具備干擾效果。 八、推估受訪者對電動自行車的平均願付價格約為14265元。


In recent years, the serious problem of global warming has increased dramatically enhancing people’s environmental concern. Furthermore, countries around the globe began seeking alternative power sources to resist the pressure of the high oil price, it will drive the development of environment-friendly electric vehicles, and expect the great potential demand of electric vehicles in the future. At the same time, the global population is growing and moving toward to the city, and the public transportation is exceeding capacity, so people start to search casual and environmental transportation. Considering these conditions, this study selected electric bicycles as the objects of research. In order to conserve energy and reduce CO2 emissions, the government promoted a subsidies policy to encourage people to buy electric bicycles; however, the result is seem not consistent with the expection of the government. From priors studies, product attributes, personal attitude, and perceptual cognitive to product, they are all the influence factors to purchase intention. Previous researches investigate the relationship between single variable and purchase behavior; in fact consumer’s purchase behavior can be composed through a series of perception cognition. Therefore, this study wants to explore the impacts of perception cognition process to purchasing decision, and add some variables such as product’s attribute, environmental attitude and government subsidies to analyze and identify the key factors. Then, we use contingent valuation method to estimate willingness to pay and propose some managerial implications to industry and government. The study developed a questionnaire and interviewed residents over 20 years old that can ride bicycle or motorcycle in Taipei and New Taipei City, then 505 valid samples were collected. Results indicate the degree of importance that the top five product attributes are battery durability, reasonable price, battery life, battery charging time and after-sales services. Second, formal attribute makes a significant impact on perceived sacrifice, perceived attribute has a significant impact on perceived quality. Third, perceived quality has a positive impact on perceived value. Fourth, perceived value makes a positive impact on purchase intention. Fifth, perceived value makes the mediate effect between perceived quality and purchase behavior. Sixth, environmental attitude makes no impacts on perceived value. Seventh, the degree of understanding of government subsidies makes the moderating effect. Lastly, The estimated mean WTP is about NT 14265.


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