  • 學位論文


The Impact of Cloud Computing on The Demand of Data Centers

指導教授 : 鄭啟斌




The convenience brought by the development of cloud-based information systems is apparent, especially in today’s world where smart devices are widely available. While we enjoy the convenient services, a series of hardware facilities, including the server, storage and networking equipment, are working together to support the operations of the information systems and these facilities are centrally located in a data center. The domestic businesses saw this demand and successively invested in construction of large data centers. However, most of the public cloud services known and used by the mass public are products of foreign cloud service providers and most of them built their own data centers for maximum cost effectiveness. The investment in data centers seems to be a matter of course to the development of cloud services, yet development of these two areas are not synchronizing with one another. When the future looks bright, this issue began to gain attention in the industry. This research collected, consolidated and explored relevant market information to analyze the issues and factors through system dynamics and develop a series of system models to simulate and compute the actual demand for data centers along the growth in the needs for information systems. Results of the simulations and computation can be used as an objective reference for estimation of industrial needs.


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