  • 學位論文


The relationship of new museum and local communication─a perspective of female tourism.

指導教授 : 許傳陽


新社會運動後,地方文化與女權意識等議題備受重視,為社會注入新的風氣,而博物館形式也因此轉變成為注重人與地方之間的互動,打破過往博物館的刻板印象 ,對於一般民眾也敞開大門,帶動了文化旅遊的興盛;女性成為日常生活上主要的行動者,對於生活風格的打造與地方事務的參與都有跡可循。 本研究以新社會運動理論為基礎,並從女性旅行的觀點切入,旨在探討新社會運動後,在意識與行動上如何賦予女性不同的生活樣貌,以及女性在文化旅遊的過程中,地方和自身之間的關聯性,因此本研究選擇以台灣第一家生態博物館—北投溫泉博物館為案例,希望透過深度訪談的方式,從中了解到女性與地方產生什麼樣的情感連結以及女性對於來到這類型的文化場域從中得到的地方認同為何。 本研究發現,當生態博物館成為一種旅行的場域,女性在其中的行動,除了可以顯示出女性文化消費的過程中,展現追求自我的實踐之外,在觀覽的過程裡面,也可以發現,女性對於地方所產生的關係與對於北投這片土地的認同,北投溫泉博物館不僅是單純的展示,而是將過往的記憶、歷史,經由場景再現出來,可以讓來到這邊的旅客感受到北投至今的發展脈絡,而北投也因為博物館的建立,扭轉了溫柔鄉的男性觀看,透過女性觀覽者的行動,把不同世代的記憶串聯起來,將地方的歷史脈絡傳承下去。


In the period of new social movements, local culture and feminist consciousness create a new social atmosphere. Therefore, museum changes its role and pays attention on interaction between people and localness. It flourishes culture travel. Through the rise of cultural tourism, women become a primary agency in daily life especially in life style and local affair. Our study is based on new social movements’ theory—it took accounts of private travelling in constituting the self-identity of women. The purpose of this study was to investigate how awareness and action given by women, a different daily life visiting process, may cause the relationship between museum displays and women’s identity during process of visiting. Therefore, I used the first eco-museum in Taiwan, Beitou Hot Spring Museum, as case to analyze the construction of visitor’s identity. Through in-depth interview, I seek to discover emotional connection between women and local displays. That means what place identity stemmed from this type of cultural visiting. The study found that the eco-museum has played a role in inviting female traveler. And it does not mean women agency show self-fulling in the process of culture consumption, but it shows women would generate personal relationship and identity from Beitou. Beitou Hot Spring Museum is not merely exhibitions but presence of living history by showing those historical objects. People visiting Hot Spring Museum will understand the past of Beitou because the erotic place had been displacement by the establishment of the Beitou Hot Spring Museum. Cultural perceptions play a role in connecting cultural objects and physical space.


王啟祥(2002)。〈博物館與社區互動模式初探〉。《博物館學季刊》,16(1),27- 33。
張文如(2009)。《建構懷舊地方一以高雄市懷舊餐廳「新台灣的原味」為例》。 國立中正大學企管研究所碩士論文。


