  • 學位論文


On Postmodern Aesthetics: An investigation into the true nature of the study, as exemplified by male designer-clothing lines (2001-2005)

指導教授 : 林 立


將美學的知識當作較次級的知識,將藝術當成附屬品、非專業的觀念自古有之,中外皆然。然而,曾被認為是世界上最聰明的科學家愛因斯坦於〈使徒信條〉中一語道出「人生的終極目標乃在於追求真、善、美。」事實上,美學實為一尚在初探階段的學問,它正如其他日常生活中與我們相關連,值得研究探討的任何學科、現象一樣,有其舉足輕重的研究價值與意義。故此,本文旨在探討時值當下的「後現代美學」。 由於「後現代」之不可界定性,加上學者、專家對於「美學」的論點,因觀察角度、研究領域而異,使得「後現代美學」備具爭議性。本文先就現代、後現代之概念作一釐清,輔以美學之演進史,進而結合上述兩者之宏觀角度,探討後現代美學,並歸納整理出後現代美學之特點。並以後現代美學之特點為分析物件,從文化、哲學兩個面向,去解析2001至2005的設計師品牌男裝作品。期以了解生活中不可或缺的元素—服裝—其所隱含的時代意義與美學價值。在文末處,對後現代美學之何去何從、未來走向,作一總結、評估與建議。


Aesthetics has been unjustly regarded by most as a secondary, unprofessional branch of philosophy for centuries. In stark contrast to his dissenters, however, internationally renowned scientist Albert Einstein claimed in his important speech “My Credo” that the ultimate goal and underlying principle of human life is to both discover and experience the mystery and truth of beauty. Thus, while aesthetics has thus far been deemed a superficial --often ignored--field of study under the philosophical hierarchy, it is necessary to further explore its merits and to dignify it as a respectable area of scholarship. The aforementioned points form the basis of the subsequent thesis entitled “On Postmodern Aesthetics”. The study of Postmodern Aesthetics has long been a controversial issue partly because of the ongoing dispute over the exact nature of postmodernism, (as differentiated from modernism,) and partly because of the vague definition of aesthetics. Hence, the thesis begins with the clarification of the terms modern and postmodern, and it examines their particular relationship to one another. In addition to presenting the history of Aesthetics, the thesis seeks to marry the complex, yet ambiguous concepts of “Postmodernism” and “Aesthetics,” in order to create a set of specific postmodern aesthetical virtues. By carefully exploring these virtues, the thesis then provides readers with a concrete view of Postmodern Aesthetics, in part through the examination and analysis of several male designer-clothing lines from 2001-2005. The conclusion includes a current valuation, a future prognosis, and suggestions for the best approaches to the study of aesthetics in the coming years.


Jean-Francois Lyotard,島子譯,《後現代狀況—關於知識的報告》(La condition postmoderne:rapport sur le savoir),湖南:湖南美術,1996。
Jean-Francois Lyotard,包亞明主編,談瀛洲譯,《後現代性與公正遊戲—利奧塔訪談、摘信錄》(Postmodernity and Just Gaming),上海:人民,1997。
Daniel Bell,高銛等譯,《後工業社會的來臨—對社會預測的一項探索》(The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting),臺北:桂冠圖書,1989。
Daniel Bell,趙一凡譯,《資本主義的文化矛盾》(The cultural contradictions of Capitalism),臺北:桂冠圖書,1989。


