  • 學位論文


The Design and Implementation of Dolphin: a Musical Score Editor

指導教授 : 廖賀田
共同指導教授 : 周清江(Chichang Jou)


今日的個人電腦有大量的軟體編輯工具協助人們創造文字、圖像和影像,其中有部分內建於作業系統中,也有部分為自由軟體,免費供人們使用。這些內建的或免費的編輯器不僅取得容易,且簡單易學,所以即使功能較為基本,仍廣泛地為人們使用,協助使用者寫作、作畫、和製作影片。然而在個人電腦中普遍缺乏簡易的音樂編輯器幫助人們作曲,當人們想到美妙的旋律卻沒有適當的工具將其記錄下來。市面上的音樂編輯器主要可分為低階的音訊編輯器和高階的樂譜編輯器。音訊編輯器用來編輯聲音樣本;樂譜編輯器則用來作曲和編輯樂譜。這些樂譜編輯器往往過於複雜及昂貴,使其難以被非音樂專業人士採用。我們理想中的樂譜編輯器應該簡單易用且可免費取得,可以讀寫其他樂譜編輯器通用的檔案格式,並應支援多種自動化的輸入方式以協助使用者輸入樂譜,讓對樂理不熟悉的使用者也能輕易上手。因此,我們自行設計與開發出一套樂譜編輯器 Dolphin。Dolphin是一套所見即所得的編輯器,支援多種輸入方式如鍵盤輸入、滑鼠輸入、MIDI 裝置輸入、虛擬鍵盤輸入及哼唱輸入,也支援即時五線譜與簡譜的轉換及 MIDI 檔與樂譜的轉換等進階功能。Dolphin 還具備腳本編輯器讓熟悉Dolphin 程式的資訊工程師可以為使用者撰寫腳本來編輯樂譜。我們希望這些功能可改善樂譜編輯器的易用性,讓更多人認識音樂進而創作音樂。


Nowadays plenty of softwares in personal computers could help people generate documents, images, and videos. Some of them are shipped with operating systems; others are freely distributed open softwares. These text, image, and video editors, mostly with only a basic set of features, are relatively easy to obtain and use, and thus have become very popular. However, people could hardly find in most computers any music editor to help them compose scores. Thus, when spontaneous beautiful melodies come to one’s mind, one usually lacks appropriate software tools to preserve them. There are two main categories of music editors: low-level audio editors and high-level musicial score editors. Audio editors are for editing audio samples, while musical score editors are for composing and editing scores. It is difficult for amateurs to adopt current score editors on the market, due to their complex interface and expensive price. In order to benefit users with limited knowledge of music theory, our ideal score editor should be freely obtainable and easy to use, could import and export common file formats in order to cooperate with other editors, and could support multiple automatic input methods. Thus, we design and implement Dolphin, a simple musical score editor. Dolphin incoporates a what-you-see-is-what-you-get interface and supportes multiple input methods, including keyboard, mouse, virtual music keyboard, physical MIDI device, and humming. It supports automatic conversions between Common Music Notation and Numbered Musical Notation. It can also import/export standard MIDI files. Dolphin users could control stereo effects by using a stereo editor and could edit scores by running scripts written by programmers who are familiar with Dolphin. With these features, Dolphin could ease the process of creating and editing scores. We hope Dolphin could motivate more people to learn music and ultimately, to create music of their own.


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