  • 學位論文


The Study of animal writing of “Sou Shen Ji”

指導教授 : 陳葆文


《搜神記》作為六朝志怪小說的代表作,無論在故事情節、敘事藝術或人物塑造上,都勝於他書,而動物是文學中的不朽命題,人類觀看動物的方式,也就反映出那個時代的思維模式。在《搜神記》中與動物有關的文本,超過了全書三分之一,從災異之說到殊方異物,從神祇使者到精怪化身,都可見動物的影子穿梭其中。這些時而記物時而記事的瑣碎文本,是否能從中歸納出大致的主題或模式?動物角色在文本中有何作用,又是如何被觀看與定位?這些動物書寫中,是否有其背後的思維方式與時代意蘊?故本論文試圖就《搜神記》的動物書寫,首先分析其主題類型與表現模式;其次藉由主客體之區分,探討動物角色之作用;再透過思維方式的分析,建構出時代所顯現的獨特意蘊。 本論文第一章為緒論。說明研究動機、研究目的,並就研究現況加以述評,後確立「動物書寫」一詞之義界與研究範圍,以及說明研究步驟。第二章為《搜神記》動物書寫之主題類型分析,依主題類型與表現模式,分為七大類型,將瑣碎而條目繁多的動物書寫文本,歸結為系統性的論述。第三章則是《搜神記》動物角色之作用。首先以「事件的行動者」與「被描述的對象」兩個概念,將動物角色定位為「主體」和「客體」,接著將動物角色之作用分為五組概念,並分別探究動物角色之作用與主題類型的關係。第四章是《搜神記》動物書寫之時代意蘊,透過五個思維面向的分析,以逼顯出動物書寫的時代意蘊。第五章乃結論,先歸結論文內容、說明研究命題的價值,並省思本論文的缺失,而後將此論文定位為一先行論述,期能將本論文作為以古鑑今的基礎,以志怪小說中對動物的固有觀點,照見今人不自覺被制約的思維方式,進而開展出未來的研究方向。


搜神記 動物書寫 六朝志怪 干寶


The “Sou Shen Ji” is a representative work of the Six Dynasties Zhiguai. It’s better than other novels in plots, narratives, or portrayals. Then the animal is the immortal themes of literature, and the way of people treat animals, will reflect the way that they think in their times. From the emblem of disasters to strange things, from the deity’s messengers to incarnation of monsters , there are one-third parts of “Sou Shen Ji” which about animals. How to induce the models of the texts? What’s the functions of animal roles in the texts? And they reflect some modes of people thought in their times. Therefore, this article is based on subject’s styles, and analyze their models. Second, to differentiate between subjects and objects on the animal roles, and make clear the their functions of texts. Third, to analyze the styles of thought, and propose the atmosphere of Six Dynasties. This article consisting of five chapters. The First Chapter is exordium, to explain the motive, the purpose, the scope, and the steps of this study. Then propose the definition of the ”Animal Writing”. The Second Chapter induce miscellaneous texts to become systematic theory depend on seven types of subjects. The Third Chapter discuss the functions of animal roles of “Sou Shen Ji”. First, to differentiate between subjects and objects on the animal roles depend on two concepts: ‘The role acts in the incident” or “The object which be described.” Second, to classify five types according the functions of animal roles, and expound the relationships between the functions and subjects. The Forth Chapter about the atmospheres of times. It combines with the Second and Third Chapters, to analyze people’s thought which displayed from “Sou Shen Ji”, and propose five styles to discuss with it. The Fifth Chapter is conclusion. First, to sum up the contents of this article. Second, to propose this article’s values and introspect for the defect of this article. Finally, to regard this article as an initial study, and hope to explain the contrast between the viewpoint of Six Dynasties and the viewpoint of today. And further in the future, to find the thought of us which be restricted unconsciously depend on the results of this article.




