  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Song Rare Books in Public Collection in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳哲夫


宋代是我國歷史上雕版印書事業發展的黃金時代。南北兩宋刻書之多,規模之大,版印之精,流通之廣,都是前所未見的。宋版圖書為善本書之精華,既保存古文獻最早之原貌,亦為圖書出版史最重要之見證物。早在明代中葉,藏書家與學者便十分重視宋刻本的收藏與利用。這樣龐大數量的宋版書,歷經千年,在兵連禍結的因緣際會下,流徙至臺灣。 臺灣現所公藏宋版書約有四百多種,在傳世宋版圖書中,具有一定的重要地位,其收藏之實際概況,早為學林各界所關注。本論文撰述主要鎖定臺灣公藏宋版書作為研究範圍,運用歷史、比較及內容等研究方法,進行歸納、整理與分析,期使臺灣公藏宋版書的發展源流、收藏情況、刊印內容、特色及學術價值能獲得較具體而有系統的評述。從本調查研究中,可見臺灣公藏宋版書結合了古代公私家藏書的優點,內容囊括經史子集,甚至是清代名藏書家的逸聞掌故,從文化視角來看,可見歷代藏書的種種過程,可以挖掘藏書活動所形成的風尚文化,對於傳遞文化、培養人才、推展學術的價值,更是具有不可取代的貢獻。


宋版書 善本 雕版 藏書


The Song Dynasty (960-1279AD) represents the golden era in the development of woodblock printing in the history of China. During the Northern and Southern Song periods, the number, scale, distribution and quality of engraved books were unsurpassed. Song engraved books embody the essence of rare books, because they preserve the original contents of ancient documents, and provide important evidence to the history of publishing. Collectors and scholars in as early as the mid-Ming Dynasty have valued the collection and usage of Song engraved books for these purposes. After centuries, due to the ravages of war, a great number of rare books have ended up in Taiwan. Currently, there are about 400 Song engraved books in public collection in Taiwan, thus conferring them an important position in the field, and caught the attention of the academia. This study focuses on those engraved books published during the Song Dynasty that are held in public collection in Taiwan. Utilizing research methods such as historical, comparative and content analysis, the author categorized, arranged and analyzed them, in the hope that a more concrete and systematic critique of the origin and development of these books, sites of collection, their contents, characteristics and academic value may be developed. This study finds that the public collection in Taiwan contains the best of both ancient public and private collections. Their contents comprise of all four categories of classical Chinese texts, including Jing, Shi, Zi, and Ji, and even include anecdotes of famous collectors during the Qing Dynasty. From a cultural perspective, one can glimpse into the various processes and uncover prevailing fashions generated by collecting books throughout history. These have unique contributions to the cultural transmission, cultivation of scholars and promotion of academic value.




