  • 學位論文


Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on New Product Development Performance: Product Characteristics and Customer Orientation as Moderating Variables

指導教授 : 楊立人


企業社會責任在西方國家落實多年,台灣為迎向國際市場逐漸重視企業社會責任,除了基本的企業公民道德外,民眾也開始關心企業是否有對社會盡一份心力;另一方面,台灣充斥著各種規模不等的企業,企業間彼此競爭激烈,尤其是科技產業,必須不斷的推陳出新才能滿足消費者,並維持住市場佔有率,新產品的開發在這種狀況下顯得相當重要。故在上述的研究背景下,本研究探討企業社會責任是否會影響新產品開發績效,並以品牌形象為中介變數。 本研究鎖定的抽樣對象為高科技產業從業人員,以網路問卷的方式發放,採取便利抽樣,收取的有效樣本為179份,並使用敘述統計分析、因素分析、信度分析、相關分析、迴歸分析、層級迴歸分析、集群分析與二因子變異數分析,結果分析如下: 一、企業社會責任對於品牌形象有正面的影響 二、品牌形象對於產品開發績效有正面的影響 三、企業社會責任對於產品開發績效有正面的影響 四、品牌形象對企業社會責任與產品開發績效之關係具有中介效果 五、產品開發的完成時間、產品開發持續的時間對於品牌形象與產品開發績效有正面的干擾效果 六、顧客導向對於品牌形象與產品開發績效有正面的干擾效果


Corporate social responsibility may be one of the major causes of new product development (NPD) project failure. However, many organizations ignore corporate social responsibility leading to a poor NPD performance. The primary purpose of this research was to investigate the associations among corporate social responsibility, brand image, and NPD performance. The second objective was to evaluate the mediating effect of brand image on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and NPD performance. The third objective was to determine whether the impact of brand image on NPD performance was moderated by product characteristics. The forth objective was to determine whether the impact of brand image on NPD performance was moderated by customer orientation. A total of 179 usable samples were retrieved and used for descriptive analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, construct validity, regression analysis and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The research findings are presented as below: 1.Corporate social responsibility has positive impacts on Brand image. 2.Brand image has positive impacts on NPD performance. 3.Corporate social responsibility has positive impacts on NPD performance. 4.The relationship between Corporate social responsibility and NPD performance is full mediator by Brand image. 5.The relationship between Brand image and NPD performance is moderated by product characteristics. 6.The relationship between Brand image and NPD performance is moderated by Customer Orientation.


Chien, Y. C. (2010). The effects of consumers' corporate social responsibility perceptions and purchase intention -Consumer-company identification as mediator. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, National Chengchi University. Taipei, Taiwan.


