  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relevant Factors Between Vocational High School Student’s Environment Consciousness and Deviant Behavior in Taipei City

指導教授 : 楊朝祥


本研究旨在探討台北市高職學生學校環境知覺與偏差行為相關因素之分析。首先先暸解台北市高職學生偏差行為現況,再將學校環境知覺分成學校、班級、導師三構面分別探討對學生偏差行為之影響。 為了達到研究目的,本研究透過文獻分析和問卷調查等方式進行。文獻探討包含國內外學者對於學校環境知覺及偏差行為之相關研究;問卷調查法以臺北市公私立高職學生為母群體,採用自編之「台北市高職學生學校環境知覺與偏差行為相關因素之研究調查問卷」為研究工具,進行問卷調查研究。按學校規模大小分層隨機抽樣有效問卷為913份。問卷調查所得資料以SPSS 12統計軟體進行描述統計分析、平均數、標準差、次數分配、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法處理。本研究獲得以下結論: 一、台北市高職生整體而言學生尚能循規蹈矩,言行尚稱良好。而偏差行為類型主要以「學業違規」最為常見,而觸犯「刑事案件」行為則較少見。 二、高職生之不同背景變項(性別、年級、德智育成績、班級人數)會影響偏差行為之發生。 三、在學校構面部份,學校規模及設施與校規的知覺態度不滿意者,較知覺程度滿意者出現更多偏差行為。 四、在班級構面部份,班級互動與氣氛知覺程度不滿意者及對班級環境感受差者會出現更多偏差。 五、在導師構面部份,「民主」型的導師管教行為及「真誠」的師生關係最能降低學生偏差行為的發生。 六、在公私立高職生的學校環境知覺差異性上,公立高職生對學校環境及導師管教的滿意度皆大於私立高職生。 七、台北市公私立高職生的德智育、性別、學校性質、幹部經歷、學校規模及設施、班級環境感受、民主、專制、瞭解..等變項具有預測偏差行為發生的能力。 整體而言,臺北市公私立高職學生的偏差行為並非如外界所想的嚴重,但如何輔導高職生在就業市場有優良的表現以及強化學校在偏差行為的輔導矯治的功能是當務之急。研究者最後依據前述之結論提出數項建議,以提供教育機關、學校及後續研究之參考。


The purpose of this research was aimed to understand the relevant factors between vocational high school students’ environment consciousness o and deviant behavior in Taipei City. First, this study investigated the present situation of vocational high school students' deviant behavior in Taipei. Second, environment consciousness was divided into three dimensions, schools, classes, and instructors, to explore their impact upon the deviant behavior of vocational high school students. This study adopted quantitative research method. Literatures, including domestic and foreign scholars' theories and studies in the areas of school environment consciousness and deviant behavior, were reviewed. A questionnaire, entitled “The relevant factors between vocational high school student’s environment consciousness and deviant behavior ” was developed by the researcher to collect data. Questionnaires were distributed to 913 randomly sampled vocational high school students. The obtained data were statistically analyzed by percentage, ranking, mean value, frequency distribution, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA and Scheff’s method for posterior comparison. The conclusions of this study were as follow: 1. In general, vocational high school students in Taipei were capable of compliance with the school’s rules and regulations. In term of deviant behaviors, committing " Academic violation" was the most common. On the other hand, committing "criminal case" behavior was rare. 2. The demographic variables of vocational high school students (gender, grade, German intellectual achievements, class size) had influence on the occurrence of deviant behaviors. 3.Students who indicated unsatisfied consciousness of school size, school facility and school regulations had more deviant behaviors than students who indicated satisfied consciousness. 4. Unsatisfied consciousness of class atmosphere and interaction, feelings of class environment would cause more students’ deviation behaviors. 5. “Democracy” teaching behavior and "Good faith" of the teacher-student relationship would reduce the occurrence of deviant behaviors. 6. Public vocational school students showed higher degree of satisfaction than private students on environment consciousness and teachers’ teaching behaviors. 7. Many variables, such as student's moral and intellectual education, gender, school nature, outside-class experience, school size and facility, class environment feeling, and teacher-student relationship had predicting ability of student’s deviant behaviors. Based on the conclusions, recommendations were offered for educational administrations, vocational high schools and teachers to prevent the occurrence of student's deviation behaviors.


王淑女(2000)。青少年暴力行為:大眾傳播媒體與青少年暴力行 為。台北:力仁出版社。


