  • 學位論文


The Impact of Decision-making Style and Involvement on House Buyer's Purchase Intention and Consuming Behavior

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 李芸蕙(Yun-Hui Li)


論文提要內容: 消費者購買決策的過程是複雜的,決策的過程受到許多來自消費者心理因素、個別差異因素、環境因素及行銷因素的影響。消費者以需求做為解決問題的方式來面對各項購買決策,因此稱之為購買決策過程。 當購屋決策者在進行購買行為決策時,通常都會選擇他們最熟悉的品牌屬性、整體服務態度的偏好,做為房屋購買的選擇參考,而對建商的服務與品牌態度會直接影響購買決策者的購買意圖與行為。 另外從消費者在產品涉入的過程發現,不同涉入程度會造成消費者不同消費特性,包括價格在決策上不同的重要性、不同資訊收集數量、決策時間的長短及不同的決策模式(Zaichkowsky, 1986)。綜合而言,本研究在探討購屋者決策風格、涉入程度對其購買意願與購買相關行為之影響為何。 樣品蒐集從2013年8 月起至2014 年7 月止,本研究將針對購屋相關消費行為作深入之探討,其研究對象如下1.近三年內已購屋者、 2.本研究期間(2013.8.1∼2014.7.30)正在進行購屋行為者,發出問卷並完成回收。總計共發出320 份問卷,進行便利抽樣調查,最後回收252 份,經整理後剔除無效問卷 2 份(包含填答遺漏、資料不完整等),共得有效問卷250份,有效回收率為78 %,有效樣本率為78 %,藉由描述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、t檢定、變異數分析及層級迴歸分析等方法進行資料分析。 研究結果顯示,一、決策風格對購買意願部分有顯著影響。二、決策風格對購屋相關消費行為部分有顯著影響。三、涉入程度對購屋相關消費行為無顯著影響。四、涉入程度對購屋者的購買意願有顯著影響。五、購買意願對購屋者的消費行為有顯著影響。六、部分不同之人口統計變項如性別、購屋目的等在決策風格、涉入程度等有顯著差異。 對於未來研究建議可針對不同的決策風格者的人格特質上再進一步深入探討。此外在管理意涵上例如可設計問卷讓消費者於填寫問卷完成後,銷售者便可判讀出成交機率,或其消費導向,這對買賣雙方將是有利的,不僅減少許多時間上的成本,成交機率也將會提高。 關鍵字:決策風格、涉入程度、購買意願、購屋相關消費行為


Abstract: Consumers purchase decision-making process is complex, decision-making process is influenced by many factors from consumer psychology, individual differences factors, environmental factors and marketing factors. Consumer demand as a key factor when facing the problem of purchasing decision, so it is called the purchase decision-making process. The policy makers of buying houses, when making purchase decisions, they usually choose their most familiar brand attributes and the overall attitude of preference as the reference of house-purchasing., The attitudes to the architecture company’s service and brand attitude will directly affect the purchasing decision makers ’buying intentions and behaviors. By studying the consumers' decision-making process,the scholar finds that different involvement of consumers will make different consuming characteristics, include the differences about importance of price on decision-making, quantity of information-collection, time for making-decision, and styles of decision-making(Zaichkowsky, 1986). Therefore, by the above theoretical review, this study tries to explore the impact of house buyers’ decision-making styles and involvement on their purchasing intention and related consuming behaviors.Samples collected from August 2013 ended in July 2014, this study will explore in depth related to consumer behavior of house buyers. The subjects are: 1. Nearly three years have already been a house buyers. 2. During the period (2013.8. 1 ~ 2014.7.30) of this study who is ongoing to be a house buyer. After the survey by convenience sampling, we issued 320 questionnaires, the final recovery is 252. After excluding invalid questionnaires by 2 parts (includes respondents omissions and data is not completed), totally we gain effective 250 questionnaires, the effective recovery rate is 78%. Then the data are analyzed with descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA and hierarchical regression analysis. The results show first that the decision-making style has a significant impact on the house purchase intention. Second, there is partial significant impact on house buyers’ related behavior.. Third, there is no significant effect of the degree of involvement on house-buyers ‘related behaviors. Fourth, there is a significant impact on house buyers’ purchase intention by their involvement. Fifth, there is a significant effect on house buyers’ behaviors by their purchase intention. Sixth, there are significant differences on decision-making styles, involvement etc. by different gender, buying-purpose of house buyers For future research, we suggest that the study of decision-making styles may be conducted in-depth analysis. Meanwhile for the managerial implication we propose that in business on the house seller may design effective questionnaire for testing the probability of transactions, or consumers ‘approaches. This would be advantageous for both buyers and sellers, not only to reduce many of the costs in time, but also increase the probability of turnover.


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