  • 學位論文


The study of the skills for classroom management and interaction between teachers and students—Modern interpretations and applications to Lao Tzu’s theories

指導教授 : 袁保新


本文共分為五章論述,第一章緒論,針對研究動機、研究範圍與材料、研究方法與目的,作一簡要之敘述。第二章探討老子核心義理,從老子思想源起、形上學、政治思想、人生哲學,梳理出老子思想的脈絡。第三章先定義出班級經營的意義及影響班級經營的因素,再探究現今師生關係型態與師生關係的建立,最後針對教師倦怠的調節與師生衝突的預防與處理,提出回應之道。第四章將老子思想應用於班級經營之中,首先分析在現代化浪潮之下,學生的困境,接著提出教師養生之道,透過「知止」、「致虛守靜」,解消教師的執著,最終透過老子「無」的智慧,體悟教師班級經營之道。最後第五章為本文的結論,總結本文所論述之各項觀點。 本研究希冀透過探究老子思想的內涵,探索其對班級經營與師生互動之道的啟發。先從掌握老子思想之源起,去釐清及理解一些詮釋老子思想的問題,再來探討影響班級經營的因素及師生關係。在教育的現場,教師也應取法老子「無」的智慧,消融自己的偏見與執著,解消自己的執著與壓力,以醫者的角度,為學生的問題,進行診斷,並對症下藥,進而改變與學生互動之道,提升教學的效能及班經營的能力,營造一個和諧的班級氛圍,讓學生能安心學習,如此方能圓滿地實現教育的目的。


This research is decided into 5 chapters. The first chapter- Simplilized Introduction focus on research motivation, scope, material, method, and purpose. The 2nd chapter focus on doctrine of LaoTzu, starting LaoTzu idea, Metaphysics, political idea, philosophy of life to sort the vein of his thoughts. The third chapter start from the definition and the factors of class management to delve into how relationships between teachers and students is built. Ends with the solution of this effect adjustment of teachers exhausting and precaution or settlement of Teacher-Student conflict. The forth chapter focus on the application of LaoTzu's thoughts. Beginning with analyze the students' difficulty under modernization. Teachers' way of keeping good health come after. Through "utmost degree of vacancy and guarded stillness" and "rest in" can eliminate teachers' self-insistence. Finally, through the wisdom of "non-" can teachers comprehend the path to class management. The last and fifth chapter is the conclusion to summarize above standpoints. This research aims to inquire the concept of thought of LaoTzu and how his thought inspire teachers to interact with students or class management. This research start with the the original thought of LaoTzu to clarify the problem that may happen when annotate his thoughts. Then the factors to class management and relationship between students and teachers are discussed. Under teaching scene, teachers should take the advantages of the "non-" to eliminate prejudice and self-insistence and then dispel self-stress.From medical point of view, try to diagnose and administered to improve the interaction between teachers and students. Teaching efficiency and class management ability are upgrade by this. As a result, harmonious atmospher is created to comfort students to learned happily. Educational purpose are fulfilled in a satisfactory way.


