  • 學位論文

6108 億軍購案的財經困境(2001~2006)

The financial and economic predicament of the 610.8 billions military purchases case.(2001~2006)

指導教授 : 曾復生


「6108億軍購案」自2004年6月提出後,爭議即集中在美、中(共)、台三邊的政治利益上, 中(共)、台三邊的政治利益上。依筆者所見,我國若想藉軍購案從兩強中獲取超額利益,恐怕並不樂觀。 超額利益,恐怕並不樂觀。本論文即針對三項軍購與國內財務和經濟關係做一透徹研析, 透徹研析,以廣泛的資料圖表分析,求證數據背後真正的含意,使讀者能清楚了解 了解此一軍購案對我國財政和經濟的影響到底如何。 本研究綜合體認與發現為: 1.軍購案採用特別預算適法性存疑:牽涉預算法、國有財產法、公共債務法乃 至公民投票法。 2.特別預算廣受歷任政府愛用:國民黨政府與民進黨政府均偏愛編列特別預算。 3.特別預算執行效率不彰:歷任政府執行特別預算均嚴重超支。 4.一般預算亦具特別預算同樣調整功能:以一般預算中之「追加預算」取代特 別預算,再配合行政院會彌平預算功能與立法院審議及審計部核實三大機制 ,可確保預算執行效率。 5.軍購牽涉我國防建軍基本思想: (1)爭議未來無意義:國防產業是「要不要」的問題,而非理論爭辯「行不行」 的問題。 (2)財政足堪負荷:三項軍購案所需經費若平均攤列於15年間,則不論特別預算 預算或年度一般預算,均能納入編列。 (3)與財經相關連:國家財政為因,國防預算為果;國家經濟為因,國防產業 為果。


軍購 國防預算 特別預算


All disputes gathered on U.S. China and Taiwan three countries’ political benefits since 610.8 billions military purchases case have been brought up on June 2004. According to the writer’s opinion, it’s not optimistic that Taiwan want to obtain extra profits form U.S. and China via military purchases case. This thesis is aimed at the relation between three items military purchases and national financial and economical affairs; via analyze data and charts extensively to help readers understand what the truth behind all these statistics is. The conclusions are: 1. According to the Budget Act, State Property Law, Public Debt Law and Citizen Vote Law; there are doubts that the military purchases case to use special budget. 2. No matter the KMT government or the DPP government are all like to use Special Budget. 3. Both KMT government and DPP government to execute Special Budget are overspent critically. 4. Use General Budget’s Supplement Budget to replace Special Budget, by way of the Executive Yuan’s meeting to balance budgets and the Legislative Courtyard to examine and the Audit Part to confirm, make sure to execute all budgets efficiently. 5. Military purchases concern the building up of national defense thinking: (1)National defense property problems are not that can or can't but that want or don't want. (2)Both General Budget and Special Budget can bring into the three items military purchases case, as if the funds are shared within fifteen years equally. (3)The national finance is the cause and the defense budget as the result. The national economic is the cause and the defense property as the result.


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