  • 學位論文


The influence of social fans page’s contentvisual Perceived, Behavior Attitude,and Satisfaction -A Case of University Honor Project

指導教授 : 陳玉鈴


現今新電子媒介蓬勃發展,各種社交媒體大量應運而生。2010年網路使用人口瀏覽網站以「社交網站」(18.2%)最高,「社交網站」的受訪者以青年族群為主,知名網站Hitwise發表全球網路社群平台的排名,以Facebook(62.07%)最高。 Facebook推出具商業發展潛力的粉絲專頁(fan page)主要是以組織、企業、名人等廣泛使用,也用於連結公開用戶並廣播大量官方資訊,粉絲專頁成為重要的發展策略。 各大專院校利用粉絲專頁作為畢業製作的宣傳工具,但普遍畢業製作粉絲專頁的行銷效果不佳,則本研究根據畢業製作粉絲專頁(畢製粉專)使用者進行問卷調查,欲了解畢製粉專內容的知覺有用性、知覺易用性、行為態度、滿意度之關係。本研究利用科技接受模型(TAM )與資訊系統持續使用模型(ECT-IS)理論基礎,問卷共發放320份,扣除無效問卷共315份,問卷回收率為98.2%,所得資料使用SPSS20.0進行分析,研究結果為知覺有用性對行為態度有顯著正向影響;知覺易用性對行為態度有顯著正向影響;知覺有用性對滿意度有顯著正向影響;知覺易用性對滿意度有顯著正向影響;行為態度對滿意度有顯著正向影響。 綜合文獻討論與分析結果顯示,畢業製作粉絲專頁的訊息內容能增進其內容表現以及內容呈現容易使用,則會讓使用者覺得有趣、有獨創性,按讚以外甚至分享留言和推廣其發布之貼文,也能讓使用者接收其畢製粉專的定位。


Nowadays, due to the rapid development of the new electronic media. In 2010 the highest network use population the website by “the social network” (18.2%),“ social network” of the participant by the youth grouping tribal group primarily. The famous website Hitwise publishes the global network social group rankings, by Facebook(62.07%) highest . Facebook promotes the commercial development potential fan page mainly organizations , businesses,celebrities , Also disclosed for connecting a large number of users and broadcast official information, fan page becomes the important development strategy. Tertiary institutions use as a graduation fan page made promotional tools, But generally poor graduation make fan page marketing effect, The study is based on survey a case of university honor project, for complete the influence of university honor project social fans page’s content Perceived Usefulness,Perceived Ease of Use, Behavior Attitude, and Satisfaction. In this study, theoretical foundation is Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Expectation Confirmation Theory Information Systems Continuance Model (ECT-IS). recovering valid questionnaires 315 shares and the rate of return was 98.2%.The resulting data were analyzed using SPSS20.0. Based on the research, this paper got some conclusions, Perceived usefulness has significantly positive influence on behavior attitude, Perceived ease of use has significantly positive influence on behavior attitude, Perceived usefulness has significantly positive influence on satisfaction, Perceived ease of use has significantly positive influence on satisfaction, behavior attitude has significantly positive influence on satisfaction. The comprehensive literature discussion and the analysis result showed that, a case of university honor project fan page content can promote its content performance as well as the content presents easily to use, then can let the user think interesting, has the originality outside, according to approves even shares the message and promotes its issue to paste the article, also can let the user receive a case of university honor project fan page its position.


徐淑如 林家琪(2009) 線上品牌社群知覺關鍵多數、 知覺價值與忠誠度之研究。國立嘉義大學資訊管理學系。國立嘉義大學行銷與流通研究所。資訊管理學報 第十七卷 第二期。
許慈雅(2011) 社交網站與組織內人際關係改變之關聯性研究─以Facebook為例。國立政治大學傳播學院碩士在職專班碩士論文。
江俊均(2012)。探討Facebook粉絲專頁使用意圖對直銷產品購買意願之影響:以美國Forever Living Products公司為例。中央大學企業管理研究所。


