  • 學位論文


Exploring Plausible Futures of Adult Female's Learning

指導教授 : 陳國華


在以男性為中心的父權社會中,女性在家庭裡常扮演的角色不脫相夫教子的「賢妻」或「良母」,女性在家務勞動以外的社區參與或自我實現的追求上,容易遭受輕忽、排斥或箝制。女性的學習常被框架在家政教育或才藝職業等的訓練,而使得許多的女性無從確認自我價值與實現自我的抱負。從女性作為學習主體來看,年輕的女性勞動人口,因為生兒育女的任務而暫時退出職場。而一旦面臨重新進入職場時,卻常常感慨找不到工作,或原有工作技能已經跟不上時代的腳步。較年長的女性勞動人口,在教育程度、體力和生產力等方面相對較差,再加上適應新的科技和資訊的能力較弱,常常會有跟不上潮流、停滯不前的問題出現。至於不需要在職場上競逐的居家女性或退休女性,因為和資訊社會之間存著隔膜,或家務工作的牽絆,學習面臨更多的挑戰和困難。因此,學習這一件事對女性而言,雖有其需要,但遭遇的箝制因素也不少。 然而,隨著料理家務時間減少、養兒育女期間縮短,女性有更多的時間得以透過各種管道和不同的形式來參與,以擴大自己的生活圈,讓生活內容更充實,發展和培養個人的興趣;或在職場上得到新的機會、開闢新的戰場,而期待透過有效和有方向的學習,獲取往上提升的機會。學習這一件事對女性而言,不僅出現與傳統大異其趣的內涵,其所呈顯的意義更是多重的。本研究首先從整體角度著手分析這些受訪者的普遍的學習動機為何?從學習的萌芽、實踐與延續三階段來看她們的學習動機的發展,藉此了解她們學習行為的意涵。其次,從個體角度出發,解析性別、年齡、工作、科技與婚姻與子女概況等社會人口的變項來看學習需求的不同樣態,藉此了解學習的差異性原因。本研究也試圖找出這些受訪者學習的有利和不利因素,她們的學習機會在哪裡?限制又是什麼?希望從中找出影響她們學習的關鍵因素,做為描繪理想的學習圖像的基礎。最後,根據這些關鍵因素建構出可能的未來學習圖像。


成人女性 學習 未來


In a male-centric patriarchal society, a woman in the family usually plays a role to help her husband as a good wife or a good mother. Women’s taking part in communal activities above manual ones or pursuing self-accomplishment is easily ignored, abased, or constrained. The female learning has been confined to household education or well-skilled training. It makes women unable to identify the value of their own existence or self-accomplishment. However, with the reduction of the need of time in housework or the time span of caring children, contemporary women will have more time to take part in more activities by virtue of different channels and forms so that they may enlarge their life circles, enrich their lives, or find new opportunities and new arenas so as to promote themselves through effective and purposive learning. For women, learning, excepting for its extraordinarily different implications, presents itself much more diversely. This thesis, first of all, analyses what the motives of interviewees are from a holistic point of view? Further, from an individualistic perspective, it analyses the variables of sex, age, occupation, technology, marriage, and children, and so on, so as to evaluate different types of demand for learning. It also attempts to figure out advantageous and disadvantageous factors facing the interviewees. What are their opportunities of learning? What are their limitations? This thesis is to find out key factors, affecting their learning, as the foundation to ideally depict the scenarios of learning. Finally, based upon the factors stated above, plausible scenarios of learning are constructed.


adult female learning future


吳慎慎,2000,〈多元智能的學習觀:分佈認知學習與個人化學習的新視野〉。《國立台灣師範大學社會教育學刊》29: 123-151。
Milojević, Ivana & Sohail Inayatullah. 2000, Feminist Critiquesh & visions of the futures. Retrieved 2008/09/05, from URL:http://www.metafuture.org/Articles/FeministvisionsandCritiquesoftheFuture.htm
Hayes, Elizabeth, Ann K. Brooks, Elizabeth J. Tisdell & Jane M. Hugo. 2000, Women as learners: The significance of Gender in Adult Learning. San Francisco: Jossey -Bass Publishers.


