  • 學位論文

歐洲聯盟與東南亞國協之自由貿易協定之談判 ─ 以新加坡為例

Negociation of the Free Trade Agreement between European Union and Specific Members of ASEAN – The Case of Singapore

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


在這倡導和平的新世紀,武力不再為強者之表現,以經濟與政治上互利而滿足各方所需的合作已成為達成富強國家的柔性解決之道。本論文以「新區域主義」為研究理論,並以跨越「南北型的區域經濟合作」為背景,探討「歐洲聯盟」與『東南亞國家國協』的區域與區域間「自由貿易協定談判」成敗之因,及後續與東協國家進行區域與單一國家合作的自由貿易協定談判過程,本文特別針對新加坡最為研究對象,加以研究歐盟首先選擇「新加坡」為合作的東協盟國之因,並分析對於歐盟、東協及新加坡三方之影響。 關鍵字:新區域主義、歐洲聯盟、東南亞國家國協、自由貿易協定談判、新加坡


In this world of peace, the military might no longer make a nation strong. On the contrary, economic and political ‘mutualism’ gradually becomes the moderate but appropriate way to keep a country prosperous and powerful. This research is based on North-South Regional Economic Cooperation Pattern of New Regionalism (or neo-regionalism), and to analyse the cause of the temporary failure of the region-to-region cooperation (European Union, EU and Association of Southeast Asia Nations, ASEAN) and followed the process of region-to-unique country of ASEAN (European Union and Singapore). This research is also to assay the reasons of why EU chose Singapore to be the first cooperative partner of all ASEAN countries. In the meanwhile, the research is as well to find out the effects for EU, ASEAN and Singapore tripartite.


Bruce M. Russett(1967), International Regions and International System: A Study in Political Ecology. Chicago: Rand and Mcnally and Company.
Elena Botezatu (2007), EU-ASEAN FTA: Regional Cooperation for Global Competitiveness, European Institute of Romana.
Julie Gilson(2002), Asia meets Europe: inter-regionalism and the Asia-Europe Meeting. Massachusetts: Edward Elgar.


