  • 學位論文


A study of the difficulties, demands, and coping strategies of aboriginal elementary school principals' professional development.

指導教授 : 陳錫珍


本研究旨在探究原住民國小校長在原住民國小裡推動原住民族教育的實際作為,以及原住民國小校長專業發展所遭遇到的困境、需求及其因應策略,俾能根據研究結果提供相關建議。本研究選取六位原住民國小校長為研究對象,進行半結構式訪談,依據研究結果,本研究歸納結論如下: 一、原住民國小校長透過課程教學、活動參與及培育原住民特色團體來推動原住民族教育並促進學校發展。 二、原住民國小校長專業發展需求各不同,原住民籍校長則有文化及語言的專業發展需求;非原住民籍校長則有原住民族教育的政策方針與理論基礎、領導及公共關係能力的專業發展需求。 三、原住民國小校長的專業發展困境包括:其所學的理論與實務有所落差、研習時間不易安排與專業發展課程內容雷同。 四、原住民國小校長面對在專業發展困境時,會透過同儕團體分享與自我調適,找到適合的因應策略化解困境。 五、原住民國小校長建議教育行政機關辦理原住民族教育增能活動,並期盼大學校院培育原住民族高等教育人才為原住民族教育奉獻心力。 根據上述研究結論,本研究提出若干具體建議,以供教育行政機關、大學校院、原住民國小校長及後續研究之參考。


The purpose of this study aims was to explore aboriginal elementary school principals' practices of Aboriginal Education and to investigate the difficulties, demands, and coping strategies of aboriginal elementary school principals' professional development. The study selected six principals and used semi-structured interviews for data collection. According to the research results, the demands of aboriginal elementary principals' professional development were very diverse. Principals who are aborigines hoped to have more professional development activities related to aboriginal cultures and languages. Non-aboriginal principals' preferred to have more professional development activities related to policies, theories of aboriginal education, leadership and public relations skills. In addition, these principals' reported the major difficulties they encountered for their professional development included gaps between theories and practices, schedule conflict, and repeated curriculum. Principals’ coping strategies for the difficulties of their professional development included self-adjustment and discussion with peers. Based on the above findings, suggestions were proposed for Education Authorities of the city government, the universities, aboriginal elementary school principals as well as researchers of future studies.


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