  • 學位論文


Research into the influence toward Far East when America returns tothe Asia-Pacific region

指導教授 : ´¿³¹·ç


911事件發生之後,美國政府的戰略目標聚焦於「反恐」作戰,直接的軍事行動則是發兵伊拉克及阿富汗。至於東亞地區,雖也是長期關注的目標,但由於反恐作戰持續經年,勢必會影響到美國對亞太地區的戰略布局和資源分配。 歐巴馬總統上任後,揭櫫「亞太再平衡」戰略。在軍事上,逐年提高在亞太地區海軍軍力的比重,並提出「空海一體戰」的戰略構想,力圖破解區域強權的「反介入-區域拒止」戰略。透過在各盟國的軍力部署,及與亞太週邊各國的軍事合作-包括建立夥伴關係、聯合軍事演訓、出售軍備、軍事交流等,強化在亞太地區的軍事力量。在經貿外交上,除將中國納入全球體系,更透過積極參與諸如東南亞國協(東協)加六等區域組織的論壇機制,及主導建立「泛太平洋經濟夥伴關係」(TPP),藉以綰合亞太地區重要的經濟體,以利於自身經貿發展,並與中國相互競爭。 中國在歷經30餘年的改革開放,於2010年成為全球第二大經濟體。並以國家發展與民族復興為目標,以其經濟實力為基礎,不斷提升軍事力量,以求與美國爭奪東亞的領導權,且在全世界能與美國一較長短。在軍事上,研發更具威力的短、中、長程飛彈、空中及海上武器,以達成「反介入-區域拒止」的戰略選擇,及邁向強大海權國家的目標。在經貿外交上,則以地緣之利,在東亞的區域組織中扮演重要角色,並在「區域全面經濟夥伴關係」(RCEP)的組建中扮演主要角色,意圖在區域經貿組織中將美國邊緣化。 東亞地區在二戰後存在著幾個重要的潛在衝突點,包括南北韓的衝突、臺海對峙、南海主權之爭,以及較近的釣魚臺爭端,而這些衝突點都與中、美兩國有著千絲萬繯的關係。隨著美國「亞太再平衡」戰略的展開,將影響到東亞局勢的濱變,而東亞局勢的變動,又將牽動美國的「亞太再平衡」戰略的微調,不斷形成一種交互影響、互為因果的歷程。其未來的發展態勢,對臺灣的前途將有深遠的影響,值得進一步觀察與解析。


After the event of 911 Attack, the strategic target of US government focused on anti-terrorism war, with dispatching troops to Iraq and Afghanistan as a direct military action. The East Asia, though received the long-term attention, shared less strategic layout and resource distribution in Asia Pacific region from US owing to the long-lasting anti-terrorism war. President Obama put forward the strategy “Asia Pacific Rebalance” after his presidency, with increasing the proportion of Navy military in Asia Pacific region and presenting “joint air-sea battle” as a strategic concept to resolve “Anti-access/ area denial” by the regional powers. US consolidated the military strength in Asia Pacific region by means of military deployment of allied countries and military cooperation with countries around Asia Pacific region, including establishment of partnership, joint military exercises, sale of armaments, and military exchanges. In addition to absorbing China to global system and actively participating the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) plus six, US, on economic diplomacy, dominated to organize the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) to integrate important economic bodies in Asia Pacific region so as to be beneficial to its trade and economic development and to compete with China. After the reform and opening more than thirty years, China became the world’s second largest economy on 2010.China, with the goal of national development and national rejuvenation, and upon the basis of his economic strength, enhanced military strength to fight US for the leadership in East Asia. China, on military aspects, designed and manufactured more powerful short-, middle- and lone-range missiles, and air/sea weapons to accomplish “anti-access/ regional denial” strategic choice, marching to the destination –a mighty sea power nation. On economic diplomacy, China played a role in East Asia through the geopolitical benefit and also played a primary role in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) to marginalize US in regional economic organizations. There are several important issues of conflict in East Asia after World War Ⅱ such as conflict between North and South Korea, confrontation of Taiwan Strait, sovereignty debates among South China Sea, and more recently the debate of Diaoyu islands. These issues reflect to the complicate and subtle relations between China and US. With the progressing of US strategy-“Asia Pacific Rebalancing”, the situation of East Asia changes significantly. This variation in East Asia causes a slight adjustment in US strategy- Asia Pacific Rebalancing, resulting in a successive interaction and an evolution of reciprocal causation. It is worthy to observe and analyze the coming development and trend in detail because the Taiwan’s future is strongly affected.


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