  • 學位論文


Improving EFL University Students’ Writing Attitudes, Audience Awareness and Writing Quality through Cognitive Writing Process

指導教授 : 王藹玲


本研究旨在探討施行認知寫作過程在台灣大學生寫作表現之影響。研究對象為六十二位非英語系大一學生。研究期間為每週每堂課兩小時,共計十八週。研究對象在一學期內撰寫六篇寫作以及研究開始與結束需各別填寫一份問卷和進行一次全民英檢寫作模擬測驗以供分析。另外,九名學生則在研究結束後進行訪談。量化分析以成對樣本T檢定來分析寫作測驗以及問卷前後測之差異。質化分析以 ESL Composition Profile和 Audience Awareness Level來分析學生寫作品質和讀者意識,並透過課後訪談歸納出同異點。 研究結果顯示: (一) 學生的寫作測驗分數在後測均提高,寫作品質之「內容」、「組織」以及「語言運用」稍有提升; (二) 大多數學生對於使用認知寫作過程提升他們寫作動機均持正面肯定態度;(三)大多數學生在書寫論說文時均能提出明確的論點以及考量讀者背景、喜好以及興趣。本研究同時發現,少數學生對於線上寫作資源以及運用讀者意識在寫作上表現不如大多數的學生。綜上所述,本研究指出認知寫作過程可提升學生寫作動機、寫作品質並且強化學生的讀者意識及寫作特色。最後本研究希望提供教師在寫作課程在施行認知寫作過程提出淺見,並建議未來研究方向。


This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of implementing the cognitive writing process Taiwanese university students’ writing performance. The participants were 62 freshman from one “Freshman English” course at one private university in New Taipei City. This course consisted of two hours per week for 18 academic weeks. For data collocation, the participants had to complete two Inventory of Processes in College Composition (IPCC) questionnaires, two General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) writing test, and six writing prompts. In addition, nine volunteer participants participated in semi-structured interviews. For quantitative analysis, statistical significance tests on their writing test scores and questionnaires through paired sample t-tests. For qualitative analysis, the researcher evaluated their writing quality improvement and audience awareness change through ESL Composition Profile and Audience Awareness Level. The study results showed that: (a) the participants’ GEPT scores slightly improved and their writing prompt quality improved in terms of content development, organization and language usage; (b) the results of questionnaire showed most of the participants had positive attitudes towards using the cognitive writing process to enhance their writing motivation and (c) most of the participants used explicit statements to support their opinions especially in argumentative writing and considered target readers’ knowledge, needs and interests. The researcher suggested that teachers could apply the cognitive writing process into their writing instruction to enhance students’ writing motivation, improve their writing quality and strengthen their audience awareness and voice in writing. The researcher hoped this study can provide EFL teachers with a valuable perspective on writing instruction and provide insights for teachers into implementing the cognitive writing process in higher education.


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