  • 學位論文


Analysis of Water Resources and Food shortage crisis

指導教授 : 王士紘


全球倚賴兩個主要的糧食貯源:一是主要穀類輸出國的貯量,另外是美國政府農業計劃下的惰耕地(idle land)。遇到氣候及市場情況發生變化時,這兩個貯源具有相當大的緩衝作用。 人類大部份的歷史顯示,糧食需求量的增加淵源於人口的成長。目前,世界人口快速增加是個事實,但是,繁榮富裕的增加是提高世界糧食資源需求量的另一重要因素。 當前最迫切需要的是成立一個新的世界食儲備制度,儲糧採全球統合儲備管理,將有助於穩定世界糧食經濟,同時協助確保國際社會有應付糧食危機的能力。 本研究方法從近年的糧食生產量與水資源總供水量以線性迴歸來表示,目的是為了目前最重要的議題:「糧食短缺之危機」與「水資源有限」來加以探討,並以Excel此軟體中的工具列中的資料分析-統計,來得到迴歸方程式。


The world rely on two main sources of food storage: First, the major grain exporting countries, storage, and the other U.S. government farm programs under the idle land. Face climate and market conditions change, these two sources has significant storage buffer. Most of the history of mankind shows that the increase in food demand originated from population growth. At present, the rapid increase in world population is a fact, however, an increase of prosperity is to increase world demand for food resources, another important factor. The most urgent need is to set up a new world food reserve system, stored grain reserve management adopted global integration, will help stabilize the world grain economy and help ensure that the international community to cope with food crisis. The research methods of food production from recent years, the total water supply and water resources by linear regression indicated that the purpose of the most important issues: "the crisis of food shortages" and "limited resources" to be explored, and to Excel The software in the tool bar in the data analysis - statistical, to get the regression equation.


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