  • 學位論文


The Study of Green Vehicle Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 何錦堂


本研究基於節能減碳的動機、Peak Oil帶來的影響,探討台灣新興節能汽車產業的發展,以Van de Ven(1989)的產業社會系統架構為主軸,Rogers的創新擴散、Schilling的技術創新理論為輔,分析節能汽車產業的現況並提出台灣節能汽車產業未來發展藍圖。本研究將新興節能汽車產業視為個案,以個案研究法輔以觀察、實地調查及專家意見法,為一質性的探索性實證研究。本研究的初級資料來源以相關產官學研各界專家為主,並增加潛在消費者的意見,透過深度訪談的形式,以半結構化的問題,記錄產官學研專家的口述文字,並萃取主要的觀點,由研究者歸納資料、詮釋專家的寶貴意見;次級資料則來自於期刊論文、專書、政府出版品、及網路資料等。經資料彙整分析後,本研究提出台灣節能汽車產業的五個構面及五個研究命題,分別為環境面、制度面、資源面、商品化過程及商業模式,其中環境面在於建構一個合宜的實用環境,在商業模式中,強調電池才是電動汽車發展的關鍵因素,並應以車電分離的概念來發展節能汽車,跳脫傳統汽車中心廠及衛星廠的運作型態。本研究發現:台灣有能力發展電動汽車,電動巴士產業結構已漸漸完整,現況應該要先選擇特定區域發展特定用途的電動汽車。本研究最後並提出台灣發展節能汽車產業所需之合宜政策芻議,以提供政府相關部門參考。


The motivation of this study is based on carbon reduction, energy-saving and the impact of Peak Oil. Explore the development of emerging green vehicle industry in Taiwan. Mainly to Van de Ven's industrial and social system, Secondarily, Rogers's diffusion of innovation, Schilling's technological innovation theory, supplemented by analysis of the current status of the green vehicle industry and derived the possible future development blueprint. Emerging green vehicle industry as a case to case study method supplemented by observation, field surveys and expert opinion method is a qualitative exploratory empirical research. In this study, the primary sources of information to relevant industry, government, academic and research experts’ opinions from all walks of life, and increase opinions of the potential consumers. Through the type of in-depth interviews, the researcher asked them with the semi-structured problem, and recorded the opinions of experts from all walks of life oral text, and extracted the main ideas. The researcher summarized data and had the interpretation of experts’ valuable advice. Secondary data are from journal papers, books, government publications, and Internet data. After data pooled analysis, the researcher asked the five aspects and propositions of green vehicle industry in Taiwan, namely environmental aspect, institutional aspect, resources procurement aspect, instrumental aspect, and business model. In five aspects, the environmental aspect is to construct an appropriate practical environment; the key factor is the battery for the business model. The concept of battery separated from the green vehicle is the best method to develop the green vehicle industry, transcended the traditional automotive center factory and satellite plant operation patterns. This study found that we have the ability to develop electric vehicle, and Electric Buses industrial structure has gradually complete in Taiwan. First, we should develop the electric vehicles for a particular purpose in the specific regional area now. Finally, the researcher proposed the expedient policy discussion to develop green vehicle industry in Taiwan, and provide them for the relevant government departments.




