  • 學位論文


The Impact of Aesthetics Lifestyle and Consumer Innovation on Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention in Cultural and Creative Activities – Consumer Conformity as the Moderator

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 李芸蕙(Lee-Yun Hui)


近年來,文化創意產業在全球產業趨勢中已成為另一股發展主流,而台灣面臨多元文化衝擊下與台灣文創法案的制定,為此新興產業注入許多發展願景。在此文創產業環境下,本研究探討美感生活型態與消費者創新性之特質對顧客滿意度與再購意願是否有影響,並以從眾行為作為干擾變項。 Schmitt & Simonson(1995)指出美感能為企業帶來附加價值,創造忠誠度、使高昂的價格成為可能、從眾多資訊脫穎而出、具有與眾不同的象徵意義、可以創造差異對抗競爭者的攻擊。另外,Schiffman & Kanuk(2000)指出人格特質創新性高的消費者通常是第一個去嘗試產品或服務的人,此類創新者的反應通常也是決定新產品或服務能否成功的重要指標。 因此,本研究以參與過文創相關活動(舉凡藝文展覽、音樂會、創意市集..等)之消費者進行便利抽樣,並透過網路及紙本發放;有效樣本為213份,進行迴歸分析、層級迴歸分析與變異數分析,並列出九項假設,研究分析結果如下: 1.美感生活型態對顧客滿意度有顯著正影響2.美感生活型態對顧客再購意願有顯著正影響3.消費者創新性對顧客滿意度有顯著正影響4.消費者創新性對顧客再購意願有顯著正影響5.美感生活型態對顧客滿意度之影響不會受到從眾行為的顯著干擾6.美感生活型態對顧客再購意願之影響不會受到從眾行為的顯著干擾7.消費者創新性對顧客滿意度之影響會受到從眾行為的顯著干擾8.消費者創新性對顧客再購意願之影響不會受到從眾行為的顯著干擾9.消費者在不同人口統計變項對美感生活型態、消費者創新性、從眾行為、顧客滿意度、顧客再購意願有顯著差異。 透過本研究結果發現,國人隨著生活水平提升,其本身是具有一定的美感生活水準,因此在消費此類型活動時,其對於文創活動的滿意度與再購意願結果上具有顯著正向之影響。應用於未來在進行文創相關活動時,透過文化加值創意的方式打造學藝、培養文化涵養,以相輔相成的方式透過提升消費者美感生活型態以利文創活動品質。此外,參與文創相關活動者,其本身消費者創新性之人格特質是相當高,對於此項新興產業消費者的接受度也相當高;應用於未來進行休閒體驗時,此類活動參與者將會為文創產業激發出更多創意加值性的活動支持者。


Recently Cultural and Creative Industry plays a role in world economy development. Taiwan, as a multi-cultural his-torical background county, has created great vision for cultural and Creative Industry to grow. Main focus of our study is to discuss consumer characteristics and behaviors in cultural and creative activities. In our study, independent variables are Aesthetic lifestyle and Consumer Innovation. Dependent variables are Customer Satisfaction and Consumer Repurchase Intention. Moderator Variable is Consumer Conformity. In previous studies, Schmitt & Simonson (1995) has stated that Aesthetic could add value to one’s product. Besides, aesthetic also creates royalty, specific meaning and differential towards competition in market. Moreover, Schiffman & Kanuk (2000) also suggest that consumers who are willing to try new products or service are considered as more innova-tive ones. Those innovative customers are indicators for new services or products to succeed. Thus, our study samples any customer in the past who has participated in cultural activities (such as exhibition, musical concert and creative market-place), questionnaires are spread both online and in hard copy. According to our study, 213 valid samples are collected, executed with regression analysis, Hierarchical regression analysis and ANOVA. Summary as following along with our 9 hypotheses: 1. Aesthetics Lifestyle is significantly positive related to customer satisfaction.2. Aesthetics Lifestyle is significantly positive related to customer Repurchase intention.3. Consumer innovation is significantly positive related to consumer Satisfaction4.Consumer Innovation is significantly positive related to customer repurchase intention5. Relation between Aesthetics lifestyle and Customer Satisfaction is not significantly moderated by consumer conformity. 6. Relation between Aesthetic Lifestyle and Consumer Repurchase intention is not significantly moderated by consumer conformity7. Relation between consumer Innovation and customer satisfaction is significantly moderated by consumer conformity.8. Relation between Consumer Innovation and Consumer Repurchase Intention is not significantly moderated by consumer conformi-ty.9. Demographics is significantl6y difference existed in Aesthetics Lifestyle, Consumer Innovation, Customer Satisfac-tion, Consumer Conformity and Consumer Repurchase Intention. Recall on our study, required level of aesthetic is achieved in Taiwan along with growth in living standard. Thus, con-sumer satisfaction and repurchase intention in cultural and creative activities are significantly positive related. In future planning of certain activities, cultural and creative aspects are suggested to be considered at same time in order to add value and improve aesthetic. Finally, participants in cultural and creative activities are highly innovative according our study. Based on this finding, we predict that innovative customer would benefit cultural and creative industry by adding value within participation.


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