  • 學位論文


The Study of Disputes on the Diaoyutai Islands-A perspective of Neo-realism.

指導教授 : 王高成


維護國家領土主權完整,向來是各國政府的首要任務。面對領土爭議,各國幾乎一致地主張「寸土必爭、寸土不讓」,而國際間任何的領土爭議,都是導因於敵對國家有關主權立場的衝突。這類領土衝突有三大原因,包括爭相主張領土主權、爭奪天然資源、及爭奪戰略要點等;這些都是基於國家對主權的固有堅持與維護領土完整的決心,釣魚臺列嶼爭議是新現實主義的典型體現。 21世紀是人類開發利用海洋的新世紀,也是爭奪藍色國土的關鍵時期。1982年聯合國海洋法公約生效後,世界各國紛紛把捍衛海洋權益、鞏固海洋安全、開發及利用海洋提高到國家戰略階層,採取加速國內立法、加強跨國合作開發等手段,以強化實際控制並支持主權聲明;這些手段最終有助於提昇單邊國家利益。 釣魚臺列嶼主權歸屬是一個非常棘手的難題,為了維護我國主權獨立、海洋權益、領土完整等國家核心利益,我政府應該好好制定切實有效的政策與戰略來應對這個關乎我國核心利益的問題,妥善處理好釣魚臺列嶼主權爭議問題。 就新現實主義的觀點,國家實力的強弱是國際社會交往和爭端解決的終極因素,國家實力強弱始終是決定一國在國際事務上掌握多少主動權,因此我們可以說,除了在遵循國際法的基本原則基礎上,清楚地認識到增強國家實力,堅持和平發展,運用談判技巧和外交手段來解決釣魚臺列嶼主權爭議是我們對於解決這個問題最好的方法。


Safeguarding the integrity of national territory has always been the prime concern for all governments in the world. Facing territorial dispute, almost no country shall concede the loss of any piece of land; accordingly, any international territorial dispute must have resulted from a conflict on competing sovereignty positions between rivalry nations. There are three primary causes for such territorial conflicts, including competing claims for sovereignty, struggle for natural resources, and struggle for strategic points, all of which have their roots in a nation’s intrinsic insistence on sovereignty and its resolution for territorial integrity. The dispute of Diaoyutai Islands (Senkaku Islands) is a typical incarnation of neo-realism. The 21st century is a new epoch for human exploitation of the ocean as well as a critical era for the struggle of ‘blue territory.’ Since the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) came into effect in 1982, many countries have upgraded the defense of maritime interests, consolidation of maritime security, development and utilization of the ocean to the echelon of national strategy. They have adopted measures such as expedition of enactment at home and promotion of collaboration abroad to solidify their effectual control and support sovereignty claims. Ultimately, these measures serve to advance unilateral national interests. The issue of the Diaoyutai Islands involves national core interests such as independent sovereignty, maritime interests, and territorial integrity. It is imperative for our government to formulate sound policy and strategy to deal with this critical issue and protect our immense interests. From the perspectives of neo-realism, national power is the ultimate factor in terms of diplomatic intercourse and resolution of disputes; credibility of initiatives in international affairs is ultimately hinged upon comparative advantage in national power. Consequently, for the resolution of the issue of the Diaoyutai Islands, among all likely solutions such as observation of international laws, employment of negotiation skills, and leverage of diplomatic tact and finesse, augmentation of national power is still the prerequisite and takes the highest priority.


沈明室,「中共近期東海軍演的內涵、意圖與未來發展」,戰略安全研析Strategic and Security Analyses,87期(2012年,台北市:國立政治大學國際關係研究中心)。


