  • 學位論文


A Study on the Joint Degree Programmes in the European Union, taking the provisions in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland as examples

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究主要採用文件分析法與比較研究法來進行比較分析,旨在以歐盟聯合學位方案為研究對象,試圖瞭解在歐盟高等教育政策的影響下,聯合學位方案的建構與實施情形,並以英國及愛爾蘭兩國進行深入研究。本研究主要目的包含: 一、釐清聯合學位的概念與內涵。 二、探討歐盟推動聯合學位情形。 三、分析歐洲簽署加入「波隆納歷程」國家推動聯合學位方案之運作模式及策略。 四、探討英國與愛爾蘭針對「波隆納歷程」之要求,在高等教育政策上之因應改革。 五、探討「波隆納歷程」下,英國與愛爾蘭聯合學位方案之實施情形。 六、針對英國與愛爾蘭聯合學位方案進行比較分析。 七、瞭解英國與愛爾蘭在推動聯合學位方案中與其他語系國家的合作情形。 八、根據研究發現,提出可供我國未來推行雙聯學制或研訂相關政策改革之參考建議。 本研究之主要結論可從下述三方面分別歸納如下: 一、歐盟推動聯合學位方案之情形 (一)歐盟透過一系列高等教育合作計畫,提供經費鼓勵流動,建議各國修訂法律,以促進聯合學位方案之發展。 (二)歐盟目前側重碩士層級的聯合學位之發展,並逐步擴大至博士層級,以提升歐洲高等教育之競爭力。 (三)在歐洲重視品質保證之趨勢下,推動聯合學位方案內部與外部品質保證計畫,確保聯合學位方案之品質。 (四)歐盟推動聯合學位方案等跨國合作計畫,鼓勵英語以外之第二外國語言之學習,增加學生流動之動機與優勢。 二、英國與愛爾蘭執行「波隆納歷程」與高等教育重要因應變革 (一)英國與愛爾蘭均已建立三層級學位制度與國家資歷架構,並完成自行證明程序。 (二)英國與愛爾蘭均已實施歐洲學分轉換與累積系統,並核發文憑補充。 (三)英國與愛爾蘭均已建構高等教育品質保證系統,並鼓勵學生與國際參與。 三、英國與愛爾蘭實施聯合學位方案之情形 (一)英國與愛爾蘭推動聯合學位方案,均以高等教育機構為主體,形成「由下而上」之推動模式。 (二)英國與愛爾蘭參與Erasmus Mundus計畫之聯合方案,均至少與來自3個不同國家之3所以上高等教育機構進行合作。 (三)二國參與Erasmus Musdus Masters Courses(EMMC)之合作國家遍佈世界各地,但以非歐盟國家而言,英國的合作國家較多分布在亞洲,愛爾蘭則以美洲為多。 (四)二國參與EMMC之高等教育機構以大學為主,但愛爾蘭亦有職業技術學院參與其中。 (五)二國參加Erasmus Mundus計畫之聯合方案主要以EMMC為主,但英國亦參與Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates(EMJD),因此頒授之學位包含碩士與博士層級。 (六)二國參加EMMC之證書類型,英國以雙重學位居多、聯合學位次之;愛爾蘭則以附有文憑補充之聯合學位為主。 (七)二國參與EMMC之學科分類,英國以工程、科技較多,而愛爾蘭則以社會及文化科學、經濟學等學科分布較多。 (八)二國參與EMMC主要以英語授課,但英國規定學生須修習外國語言之學分數,而愛爾蘭則採鼓勵態度為之。


This study mainly, via adopting the methods of document analysis and comparative studies, aims to explore the provisions of joint degree programmes in the member countries of the European Union in general, and in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland in particular. The purpose of this study includes: 1.To clarify the concept and meaning of the joint degrees. 2.To explore the implementation of the joint degree programmes in the European Union. 3.To analyze the patterns of operation and strategies of the joint degree programmes in the signatory countries of the ‘Bologna Process’. 4.To understand the policy reform of higher education in the U. K. and Ireland, in accordance with the principles of the ‘Bologna Process’. 5.To explore the provisions of the joint degree programmes in the U. K. and Ireland, respectively. 6.To compare the similarities and differences related to the implementation of the joint degree programmes between the U. K. and Ireland. 7.To analyze the cooperation of the U. K. and Ireland with other non-English speaking countries concerning the joint degree programmes, respectively. 8.To propose suggestions useful for the policy reform of higher education related to the promotion of joint degree programmes in the future. The main conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.The EU has, through providing fundings, tried to encourage member countries to offer joint degree programmess, promote students’ mobility, and to revise existinf laws if necessary. 2.Most joint degree programmes in the European countries are those at the Master’s degree level, and moving towards the doctorate degree level gradually. 3.With the increasing attention to the quality assurance in the EU, the joint degree programmes in Europe have introduced the internal and external quality assurance projects 4.The existing joint degree programmes in the EU have put emphasis on the encouragement of second foreign languages other than English. 5.Case studies of the U.K. and Ireland have the following findings: (1)Both countries have set up 3-cycle degree system and the national frameworks of qualifications. (2)Both countries have adopted the European Credits Transfer and Accumulation System and provide diploma supplements. (3)Both countries have established their own quality assurance systems, which encourage the participation of students. (4)The joint degree programmes in both countries have been mainly provided in the higher education sector, and initiated from the HEIs, rather than the policy initiated from the top. (5)The Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes provided in these two countries normally involve the cooperation among 3 HEIs, and 3 different countries at least. (6)Both countries provide joint degree programmes worldwidely, but the UK has pay more attention to the cooperation with Asian countries, while Ireland with African countries. (7)Most joint degree programmes are provided in the universities mainly. But the technological institutes in Ireland have also provided joint degree programmes.




