  • 學位論文


Integrating Unified Communications and Internet of m-health Things with micro wireless physiological sensors

指導教授 : 葛煥昭


本研究建構整合通訊平台(Unified Communications, UC)融合於醫療物聯網 (Internet of m-health Things, m-IoT)架構下應用於行動醫療照護領域,利用微型無線生理感測器結合智慧型行動裝置,得以實行病患之監護、急救、追蹤、分析、診斷、預警、定址服務與協同醫療照護。使資料、語音、影像、多媒體訊息元素匯流於無線近身網路、無線感測網路、無線區域網路、網際網路、公共交換電話網路及社群網路之中,形塑出無縫兼容(Ubiquitous)的網路架構。使得被看護者的生命跡象數據(Vital Signs),包含了心跳率、呼吸率、心電圖、體溫、姿勢、活動率、定位位置、現場街景圖、現場背景錄音回饋,即時融合於異質平台以進行相關分析、運算、統計及比對。 整合通訊架構下可確保看護者能隨時隨地透過任何通訊工具、媒體、裝置、平台掌握到被看護者狀況,即時給予適當的醫療診斷或進行緊急救援,醫療照護不再因距離、空間、時間而有所受限。本研究並改良了傳統行動照護的通訊架構、監測模式及預警機制並且提供一個有效、即時、多通道、群組廣播及雙向之通訊架構,並減少協同醫療照護的人力成本且提高通訊服務效益。希冀導入整合通訊相關技術提高行動照護品質,進而將通訊產業打開更廣泛的應用領域及研究突破,略盡一己之力。


This study establishes Unified Communications (UC) platform integrated with Internet of m-health Things (m-IoT) architecture, which can be applied to healthcare. Using micro wireless physiological sensors combined with smart mobile devices, that is able to implement patients immediate monitoring, first aid, tracking, analysis, diagnosis, alarm-triggering, locating and collaboration with medical healthcare. Converging data, voice, video, multimedia messaging elements into WBAN, WSN, WLAN, Internet, PSTN and Social Networks, which integrates vital signs, including heart rate, respiratory rate, ECG, body temperature, posture, activity rate, GPS location, street scene and live background recording feedback into different heterogeneous platforms to make a seamless compatibility ubiquitous architecture, and thus it conducts correlation analysis, computing, statistics and comparison. In this communications architecture, it ensures that caregivers could monitor patients at anytime and anywhere through any communication tools, media, devices and platforms. Caregivers could instantly provide proper medical diagnosis or emergency medical care without limited to distance, space and time. This study improved the communication architecture of traditional mobile healthcare, monitoring methods and warning mechanisms, which also offers effective, real-time, multi-channel, group broadcasting and two-way communication to reduce cooperative medical care cost and enhance the effectiveness of communications services. Looking to introduce Unified Communications technologies for mobile healthcare in order to increase mobile medical service quality, and then open a wider range of applications and research breakthroughs.


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