  • 學位論文


A Study on the Private Supplementary Tutoring of Mathematics, Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Attitude of Fifth and Sixth Grade Elementary School Students in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 鈕方頤


本研究旨在探討新北市國小高年級學生參加數學科課外補習現況、數學焦慮與數學態度之關係情形。研究方法為問卷調查法,以新北市國小高年級學生為研究對象,採分層隨機抽樣。本研究以「新北市國小高年級學生參加數學科課外補習現況及數學學習問卷」為研究工具,統計方法運用描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及積差相關及薛費法(Scheffe’ Method)、LSD進行事後比較。調查問卷共發出1150份,共計回收1074份,有效問卷1018份,有效問卷回收率為88.52%。 本研究獲得之結論及所提出建議如下: 壹、結論 一、新北市國小高年級學生數學焦慮程度普通、數學態度良好,兩者之間呈現中度負相關。 二、新北市國小高年級學生每週數學補習時數負擔沉重。 三、新北市國小高年級學生數學焦慮因性別、父親教育程度及每週數學補習時數有所差異;數學態度因性別、年級、父母親教育程度及職業有所差異。 四、參加數學課外補習之學生,於數學態度「學習數學的信心」,優於未參加之學生。 貳、建議 一、對教師之建議:教師減少學生在數學課堂上的壓力,學習過程能順利;減少對於學生過多要求,盡量正向鼓勵學生,並正視男女之間的差異。 二、對家長之建議:對數學補習能有客觀的認識,減少不必要過多的數學課補習。 三、對未來研究者之建議:研究對象方面,本研究僅以新北市國小高年級學生為對象,未來可以擴大到不同地區、教育階段及私立學校學生;研究變項方面,日後研究者可進一步增加其他變項,做更深入分析與探討;研究工具方面,可就研究層面與變項進行更深入的探討與擴充,以提高問卷的涵蓋性。


The purpose of this study is to investigate private supplementary tutoring of mathematics, mathematics anxiety and mathematics attitude of fifth and sixth grade elementary students in New Taipei City. This study adopts a survey research method with stratified random sampling. Questionnaires were distributed to 1,150 fifth and sixth grade elementary school students in New Taipei City, 1074 were returned, of which 1018 were considered valid, attaining an effective response rate of 88.52%. Statistical analyses include descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation. Research findings are as follows: 1.Students have a mild level of mathematics anxiety and a positive mathematics attitude. 2.Students experience a heavy burden of private supplementary mathematics tutoring. 3.Significant differences are found in the mathematics anxiety of students of different gender, father education level, and weekly hours of private supplementary tutoring of mathematics. Significant differences are also found in the mathematics attitude of students of different gender, grade, father and mother education levels and occupations. 4.Students who receive private supplementary tutoring of mathematics have a significantly better mathematics attitude than students who do not receive private supplementary tutoring of mathematics. This research proposes the following suggestions: 1.Suggestions to teachers: reduce student pressure in mathematics class, avoid excessive demand on students, encourage students, and be aware of gender differences. 2.Suggestions to parents: avoid unnecessary private supplementary tutoring of mathematics for their children. 3.Suggestions to future researchers: Conduct research in different areas, on different school levels and on private school students and explore additional related variables.


