  • 學位論文


The impact of franchising terms and brand equity on partnership relationship and agency performance-- case study on Chatime Brand

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 李芸蕙


台灣本土餐飲連鎖產業已殺成紅海,已有一些餐飲連鎖總部將眼光放到台灣之外,主要的方向有中國大陸及其他的海外市場,因此已有餐飲連鎖體系採用代理商制度,其中表現優異者當屬六角國際推廣日出茶太品牌的作法最具代表性,故促使了本研究的推動,試圖積極探討總部與代理商之間各互動的變項。 本研究以六角國際企業之日出茶太品牌為個案探討對象, 將蒐集到的資料作質化個案分析探討,以觀察六角國際在經營日出茶太品牌時,在「加盟條件」、「品牌資產」、「夥伴關係」及「代理商績效」這些變項的內涵,以及各變項之間的相關性,本研究發現總部對代理商之甄選會比單店加盟者之甄選要求更多的能力及條件,如資金、權利金、策略管理能力,但也會給予更多的自由裁量權及更高的經營責任;而全球化與國際化的經營策略會比在地化經營策略更能提昇公司的品牌價值;再者,總部會視合作對象以建立不同的夥伴關係,根據Lambert, Emmelhainz and Gardner(1996)的理論,與直營店建立接近型三的夥伴關係,與加盟店關係接近型二,而與代理商關係則介於型二與型三之間;也發現總部對代理商較傾向於建立量化構面指標的績效評估制度,而質化的構面指標較傾向於運用非正式互動的方式來之維持及評估。 在本研究之四個變項間可能存在的關係上,本研究也發現,總部在基於擴展國際市場的需求,會要求代理商比一般的加盟者具備更高的條件及能力,並塑造雙方介於型二及型三之間的夥伴關係;另外,在運用代理商的連鎖體系中,若要大幅提升品牌資產,需要營造高程度的夥伴關係;最後,為確保總部與代理商之間高程度的夥伴關係能發揮成效,總部會將量的控制指標(夥伴關係績效衡量構面)予以明確制度化,而將質的控制指標(選擇夥伴關係準則、建立夥伴關係、維持長期夥伴要素以及企業主特質),融入平時與代理商互動的活動中,作為非正式控制的依據。 從這些本研究的探討結構與命題發現來看,總部與代理商之間的關係,是與傳統上總部與加盟店、總部與直營店之間的關係有所不同的,因此,在經營管理上勢必要採取不一樣的整體性作法。


Local food & beverage (F&B) Industry has already become a so-called “Red-Ocean” Market. Some F&B headquarters of chain-store systems have been trying to explore overseas markets. One of the outstanding headquarters is La Kaffa International company which owns the famous brand ”Chatime”, due to successful cooperation with master franchisees and brand agents.This study did the case study on brand “Chatime” to observe the four variables in the framework: franchising terms、brand equity、partnership and agent performance. And This study tried to establish the relationships among these four variables. This research found that headquarter would require more abilities from agents (master franchisees) than franchisees and release more authorities and responsibilities to agents. ; And the international and global strategy can enhance brand equity. Moreover, according to Lambert, Emmelhainz and Gardner(1996), this research found that headquarter will establish different relationships with different kinds of partners. Research findings also showed that headquarter intends to use quantitative indicators for agents' performance appraisal and qualitative indicators for informal interaction with agents. About the interrelationship among the four research variables, the research findings are shown as below: for expanding the international market, headquarter will ask agents for more capability and establish the partnership between Type 2 and Type 3; for increasing brand equity, headquarter needs to establish high degree of partnership; for reaching the performance of high degree of partnership, headquarter should use quantitative indicators for formal control and qualitative indicators for informal control. This research concluded that the relationship between headquarter and master franchisee is distinctively different from that between headquarter and franchisee. CEO and partnership managers should construct totally different management systems for master franchisees.


呂佳茹、涂嘉峪(2008)。運用關係行銷及社會交換理論建構影響加盟連鎖關係之模式-以加盟總部觀點為例。明新學報,34(1), 171-193。
