  • 學位論文


Mechanical analysis of angle-closure glaucoma in optic disc of different ethnicities and ages

指導教授 : 李宗翰


本文主要研究隅角閉鎖型青光眼對眼球視神經盤的損害,隅角閉鎖型青光眼是由於房水與虹膜間流動受阻造成前房眼壓急遽升高,壓力傳遞到眼球視神經盤後導致受損,引發視野缺損的情形。本研究設計完整的眼球模型,藉由隅角閉鎖型青光眼的發病機制進行模擬與分析,進而觀察視神經盤的受損情形。 本研究針對白種人、亞洲人、非洲人三種人種的視神經盤特性做出相應的眼球模型,在觀察眼球內部應力分佈後發現,在單一探討視神經盤差異的情況下,非洲人較亞洲人及白種人受到的視神經盤損害最為嚴重,另外本文也模擬了三種人種在不同年齡層及不同眼壓下之眼球內部受力情形。本研究模擬隅角閉鎖型青光眼分析之結果,提供往後相關研究一個重要的依據。


In this study, research is focused mainly on injures to the eye ball due to angle-closure glaucoma. Due to blockage of the drainage system of the aqueous humor, the intraocular pressure of anterior chamber is elevated. Intraocular pressure transfers load in glaucoma patients, leading to the optic nerve suffering high pressures, yielding visual field defects. This study designed a complete eye model to analyze the pathogenesis of angle-closure glaucoma. The pressure values of the anterior chamber were obtained, and they conform to the range of accepted clinical pressure values. From the phenomenon of stress distribution inside the eye, the maximum stress concentration was found at the posterior sclera and optic disc. In this study, we changed the models to reflect the characteristics of the optic discs of those of Asian, African and Caucasian descent. After observation of the stress distribution inside the eye, due to differences in size of the optic disc of each ethnicity, it was found that Africans suffered more serious damage to the optic disc than Asians or Caucasians. We also simulated the stress distribution inside the eye of each of the three ethnicities at different ages and different IOPs (intraocular pressure) under each situation. This study analyzes the results of angle-closure glaucoma, and offers important information for future research.


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