  • 學位論文


A Study of Huan-Wei-Guan in Northern Sung Dynasty

指導教授 : 林煌達


北宋環衛官,源於唐初府兵制南衙十六衛官,名器之重,曾被喻為「王之爪牙,國之柱石」。隨著唐代政軍情勢的發展,逐漸失去其原有的職能,由實官漸成為無職事執掌的虛官。到了唐代晚期,更由於「職事官的階官化」,十六衛演變為名存實亡,成為用來賞功敘位的虛銜。 北宋承唐之制所設環衛官,因具有無定員、無職事、官高祿厚的特性,其授官來源,除宗室及武臣外,還包括外戚、降國君臣及蕃夷等。其次,宋朝在建立過程中,所面臨的政治及軍事情勢,深深影響宋代政治制度以及官制組織。以環衛官而言,宋代君王鑒於歷朝禍亂教訓,為鞏固皇權,環衛官的除授,其動機或為優寵、或為酬庸、或為馭制,每一來源的除授運作,似乎均有其政治目的。 此外,對致仕官員,及死去的重臣或其先人追贈官職,環衛官也能發揮其優禮的作用,對於安定臣僚的工作情緒,增強其朝廷效忠之心,發揮了極大作用。北宋時期能較成功的防止宗戚擅政、武臣禍國之發生,環衛官的作用應是重要原因之一,也因它對北宋政局的安定,產生了一定效用,故而終北宋一朝,它始終是存在而未改換的。 在北宋龐雜的官僚體制中,環衛官似乎是一個不太受到注意的官職,然而,本文以它作為主題,探討它在北宋官僚體系中的作用與定位,卻有相當多新的發現,並進一步證明了它的價值,這對於宋代研究新課題的開拓,應有其意義。


北宋 環衛官 宗室 武臣 外戚 責降 致仕 贈官


Huan-Wei-Guan in Northern Sung Dynasty, which can be traced back to the sixteen-guards in Southern Government Office of the Fu-Bing System in early Tang Dynasty, was so significant that it had once been known as “the ruler’s assistant, the country’s mainstay”. However, along with the development of political and military condition in Tang Dynasty, the sixteen-guards in Southern Government Office gradually lose its original function and became nominal. Till late Tang Dynasty, it even exited in name only. Because Huan-Wei-Guan in Northern Sung Dynasty, which adopted the system of Tang Dynasty, had the feature of “no organization, no particular job but considerable profit”, its sources ranged from royal clan and military ministers to relatives of the ruler, rulers or ministers from surrendered countries and savages, etc. Secondly, the political and military condition that Sung Dynasty confronted during its establishment process had deeply influenced its political and governmental system. Take Huan-Wei-Guan for example; in order to consolidate the power of authority and to avert the rebellions happened in previous dynasties, rulers in Northern Sung Dynasty set the Huan-Wei-Guan system with the motivations of giving preference, rewarding or dominating; each decision seems to have its political purpose. Further more, through bestowing higher official positions to retired officials or important ministers who had passed away, Huan-Wei-Guan functioned as “treatment with high respect”, which successfully stabled ministers and officials’ working emotions and reinforced their loyalty to the Court. Therefore, the function of Huan-Wei-Guan might have been the main reason why Northern Sung Dynasty could prevent political interference from the ruler’s relatives and calamity to the country brought by the military ministers more successfully than previous dynasties. Due to its remarkable effectiveness to the steadiness of the political situation, Huan-Wei-Guan had remained its existence unchanged throughout Northern Sung Dynasty. Among the huge and diverse official systems in Northern Sung Dynasty, Huan-Wei-Guan seems to be a position which doesn’t attract much attention. Even though, this thesis still takes it as the subject of the study, and has a lot of new discoveries about its function and position among the official systems in Northern Sung Dynasty, and also proves its value and meaning. Therefore, this thesis should have some contribution to the development of new topics for studies of Sung Dynasty.



