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EU-China Trade Relations (1999-2013)

指導教授 : ¨ô©¾§»


歐洲聯盟(European Union, EU)與中國大陸於1975年建交,並在1978年簽訂首個貿易協定後,雙方經貿互動漸趨密切。至2013年期間,雙邊貿易關係持續變化,歐盟對於中國大陸從單向的協助與扶持,演變為互利且競爭的態勢,再轉變至當前雙方達成穩妥解決爭端問題,創造合作共贏格局的共識。這種轉變意含說明著一是中國大陸經貿實力的崛起,二是歐盟經濟實力在國際金融危機與歐債危機後受到削弱,造成與中國大陸經貿實力差距進一步縮小的現實。 歐債危機對歐中貿易關係所造成的影響與變化,包括歐洲市場需求減弱、歐元貶值壓低大陸產品競爭力等,造成長年歐中貿易逆差不斷擴大的情勢獲得抑制;歐債危機後歐洲國家消費需求普遍疲軟,便宜的大陸產品成為搶佔歐洲企業在歐市場的主要威脅,致近年歐盟對陸發起「雙反」調查占對全球比重越來越重,雙方貿易爭端持續升溫;陸企趁著歐洲國家因主權債務危機造成資產價值縮水的絕佳時機下,積極擴大投資歐洲以獲取歐企品牌、技術與人才等資源,致中國大陸對歐盟投資快速增長。 近來,在歐洲國家逐漸步出債務危機,經濟走向和緩復甦之際,又再遭遇烏克蘭危機、蘇格蘭獨立公投等政治事件,再次打壓歐洲經濟成長動能,中國大陸龐大內需市場無疑是協助歐洲經濟維持成長動能的一大主力。對於中國大陸而言,「世界工廠」不再是其經濟發展目標,取而代之的是提升服務業占產業結構比重,以及促進高附加價值產業成長。儘管歐中在人權爭議、市場經濟地位、武器禁運等問題仍存有芥蒂,但不至於阻礙當前雙方最需要的經貿穩定成長與發展之目的,歐盟仍將在中國大陸提昇產業價值的道路上,扮演提供技術與服務的重要角色。中國大陸則在其持續推動城鎮化與擴大內需的政策方針下,成為持續帶動歐盟出口與經濟復甦的最重要貿易夥伴。


EU diplomatic relations with China were established in 1975 and bilateral trade agreement was signed in 1978, then EU-China trade relations grew stronger through the days. However, China, with high GDP growth during the past decades, becomes a great economic power in the world, and EU, infecting by the European sovereign debt crisis, gets disadvantaged in economy and trade status. The trade relations between EU and China have been changed. European sovereign debt crisis also makes huge impacts on EU-China trade relations, including the growth of the trade deficit had been reduced in recent years, Bilateral trade disputes grew much tension and influenced more industrial areas, and EU’s foreign direct investment from China had increased rapidly. In the future, China, with a growing situation of consuming power, is definitely a needed ally for EU to export in recovering its economy. On the other hand, EU will remain as China’s important source on importing techniques and services for its economic transformation. In summary, EU-China trade relations should become much stronger and closer.


David Shambaugh, Eberhard Sandschneider, Zhou Hong, 2007, China-Europe Relations: Perceptions, Policies and Prospects, (Taylor & Francis).
David Kerr & Liu Fei, 2007, The international politics of EU-China relations, (United States, Oxford University Press Inc.).
Nicola Casarini, 2009, Remaking Global Order: The Evolution of Europe-China Relations and its Implications for East Asia and the United States¡A(Oxford University Press).
Richard Louis Edmonds, 2002, China and Europe since 1978:A European Perspective , (Cambridge University Press).
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