  • 學位論文


Development of Self-Identity: A Reading of Alice Walker's The Color Purple

指導教授 : 宋美璍


長久以來,黑人女性深受性別與種族的雙重壓迫。此篇論文主要是藉由探討愛麗斯•渥克《紫色姊妹花》中女主角希麗(Celie)自我認同的心理發展,藉以探討性別歧視與種族歧視在現實生活中對黑人女性所造成的心理影響。希望能透過心理學的分析,呈現黑人女性的困境,為其謀求自由之道。 此篇論文共分成五部分。序論中,簡述愛麗斯•渥克的成長背景,以及美國黑人奴隸記實文學特色對《紫色姊妹花》的影響。第一章介紹心理學中自我認同方面的論述,並討論青少年與成年人在發展自我認同時可能遇到的困境,藉此探討希麗在發展個人自我認同時所遇到的困難。第二章以心理學角度討論亂倫發生的成因和可能造成的心理創傷,除了亂倫,負面的自我概念(negative self-concept)也迫害黑人女性對自我的肯定。藉由肯定自己,探討希麗如何建構自我的種族認同。第三章說明女性同盟(female bonding)的重要性,而希麗又是如何藉由女性同盟的幫助建構自我認同。再者,經濟獨立與中性人格(androgyny)也是協助希麗脫離壓制的重要因素。結論簡述前幾章要旨,並希望藉由心理學角度,使讀者能瞭解雙重壓迫的嚴重性。 黑人女性要反抗種族與性別的壓迫,可透過中性人格的建構、正向的種族認同、女性同盟的協助、經濟獨立等四種方法重建個人自尊與自信。希望從希麗建構正向自我認同的例子中,為黑人女性找尋一個沒有暴力與壓迫的烏托邦。


發展 自我認同 亂倫 中性人格 女性同盟


Sexism and racism are more serious in the South of America than in other parts of America. This thesis applies psychological theories to the development of Celie's self-identity in order to present how sexism and racism affect black women. This thesis contains five parts. The introduction presents Alice Walker's background and characteristics of slave narratives contributing to The Color Purple. Chapter One discusses definitions and theories of development of self-identity. Because The Color Purple depicts Celie’s life from her adolescence to adulthood, I mainly focus on development of adolescents and adults to examine how Celie constructs her self-identity. Chapter Two exhibits how incest and negative self-concept affect Celie's identity formation. I will argue the occurrence of incest and its impact on Celie’s arrested development of self-identity. Being a double minority, negative self-concept imposed on her is not only her sex but also her skin color. Therefore, ethnic identity is important for Celie to construct her confidence as a black woman. In Chapter Three, I present how Celie construct her self-identity with help of female bonding, androgynous qualities. Furthermore, women cannot truly emancipate themselves from subjugation without their economic independence. In my conclusion, I briefly synthesize previous chapters. My thesis intends to shed light on the importance of ethnic origin, economic independence, androgynous qualities and female bonding which help not only Celie but also other black women construct their self-identity and then create a utopia without sexism and racism.


Development self-identity incest androgyny female bonding


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Collins, Patricia Hill. Black Feminist Thought:Knowledge,
Haimowitz, Morris L. and Natalie Reader Haimowitz. Human
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