  • 學位論文


Russian Policy in Central Asia and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (2000-2009)

指導教授 : 彼薩列夫


自蘇維埃政權垮台後,中亞產生哈薩克、吉爾吉、塔吉克、土爾曼及烏茲別克五個新的國家。此五個國家不僅與中國毗連,也被視為俄羅斯勢力範圍的一部分。中亞不僅擁有豐富的天然資源,更佔有重要的地緣戰略位置,使得國際勢力因而競相干涉在此地區的事務。九一一攻擊事件後,美國藉此將軍事勢力滲入中亞,與俄羅斯、中國競相對抗。在此態勢之下,中亞成為了國際政治的關注焦點。 從地緣政治及國家利益的途徑出發,本文將檢視上海合作組織(SCO)的起源和前景,以及在此框架之下的經濟與安全合作。此外本研究也將探討在俄羅斯及其他SCO成員國互動中,國家利益的考量如何影響各國 – 尤其是俄羅斯與中國 – 的政策。 SCO是各國平衡彼此之間利益的有效平台。其不僅是在俄羅斯與中國之間尋求重要利益的管道,更是管理兩國事務、鞏固中俄雙邊關係的重要機制。對俄羅斯而言,SCO提供了其加強與中亞各國政治、軍事及經濟聯繫的機會,也可限制中國在此區域中持續增長的影響力,並同時平衡美國滲入的勢力。俄羅斯對SCO未來發展最關切的是中國的政策 - 中國以SCO為管道,將經濟力量滲透到中亞地區。俄羅斯將盡力維護SCO內部的權力平衡,以壓制中國欲藉由SCO擴大在中亞影響力的意圖。本文認為,俄羅斯應將自身設定為上海合作組織與歐洲-大西洋各組織機構 (像是EU或NATO)間的”橋梁”。這些組織對中亞的興趣正逐漸增加當中,若俄羅斯能扮演此連結的角色,將可強調其貫穿歐亞的特殊地緣政治地位,也能提升俄羅斯在SCO中的影響。


After the collapse of the Soviet Union five new states emerged in Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Adjacent to China and traditionally being viewed as part of Russia’s sphere of influence, Central Asia not only has vast natural resources, but also occupies important geostrategic position, which lures the international powers to engage in the area’s affairs. By military presence emerged after September 11 event, the US found a way to counteract the influence of Russia and China in Central Asia. Consequently, Central Asia has become the focus of international politics. Applying a geopolitical and national interest approaches to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) established by Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in 2001, the thesis examines the origins and prospects of the SCO as well as the economic and security cooperation within its framework. It is also explores how the national interests of Russia and other member states drive their policies towards the interaction within the SCO, in particular, of those Russia and China. The SCO serves as a useful forum for its member states in balancing interests between each other. As well as being an instrument for pursuing key interests between Russia and China, the SCO also functions as a consolidating factor in the Russian-Chinese relationship by offering a vehicle for managing their affairs. For Russia, the SCO provides an opportunity for strengthening its political, military and economic ties with Central Asian countries and for constraining the growth of China’s influence in the region while at the same time balancing US influence. Russia’s most important concern about possible future developments in the SCO is China’s policy of using the organization as a vehicle for the economic penetration of Central Asian countries. Russia will strive for a balanced distribution of power within the SCO, thus hindering China’s aspirations to win greater influence in Central Asia through the organization. It should be appealing for Russia to establish itself as a “bridge” between the SCO and Euro-Atlantic institutions, such as the EU or NATO, which have manifested their increasing interest in Central Asia. This move could serve to emphasize Russia’s unique geopolitical position as a link between Europe and Asia, and raise its standing within the SCO itself.


Kanet, Roger, Russia and the Greater Caspian Basin: Withstanding the US Challenge, Tamkang Journal of International Affairs, Volume 13, No.2, January 2010.
Syroezhkin, Konstantin, Shanghai Cooperation Summit in Yekaterinburg, Eurasian Home, June, 2009. Available at: http://eurasianhome.org/xml/t/expert.xml?lang=en&nic=expert&pid=2057&s=111p3a45tj02gu55g312wbes.
Medvedev, Dmitry, News Conference Following Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, President of Russia, 16 June, 2009. Official Website of the President of the Russian Federation. Available at: http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/text/speeches/2009/06/2220_type82914type82915_217999.shtml.
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