  • 學位論文


The history imagery and family memories of Ling Yu's poems

指導教授 : 何金蘭


零雨詩的主題大抵以歷史、家族、空間為大宗,每一個主題都給予研究者相當多的思考與論述空間。零雨的詩時常揉合歷史事件與典故,使得她的詩充滿一種濃厚的歷史感。除了對歷史議題的思考,家族記憶與土地情感也是其詩的一大主題,在她的作品中出現不少家族意象的描寫,每個意象都有不同的象徵意涵。近期零雨將關注視角轉向對島嶼的關懷,探索島嶼與人類情感的關聯及土地的命運。   這些主題在零雨的六本詩集中層層相連:從《城的連作》對城市的細緻觀察,轉變為對歷史空間的關注,進而探討生命的意義以及傳統與現代交織的歷史命運,除了以遠古歷史的源起為出發點,爬梳人類與家族歷史,進而將視角轉入自身鍾愛的島嶼,探討自身對於國族島嶼的情感,近期的《關於故鄉的一些計算》(2006)正式轉入對於故鄉、親族及自我空間的探索書寫;2010年的近作《我正前往你》承繼前本詩集,強調語言的純粹,提出詩的「空無美學」。   正因如此,筆者將從歷史、家族、島嶼等主題著手,探討零雨詩中所傳達的意涵。首先以零雨詩中的空間、鏡像與夢境三大意象為起點,探討零雨詩所運用的歷史意象,以及其面對土地、家族,甚至自我的態度。從早期以歷史人物作為發想對象,進而連結到故鄉與自身家族的書寫,而後從居住土地思索島嶼與國族的連結與意義。這一系列的鋪陳,使讀者透過詩人的敘述筆觸,進一步了解詩人背後真正的創作目的;另一方面,或可視為詩人對歷史演進的解讀。筆者希望藉此研究,能有系統地解析零雨的歷史書寫與家族、土地之間的連結與意涵。


零雨 現代詩 歷史意象 空間 家族 故鄉 島嶼


Ling Yu’s poems are mainly based on history, family and place. Her poems contain many historical events and allusions; therefore, the poems teem with a strong sense of history. Memories of family and affection for land are major topics inher poems as well. The images of family in her poems are highly symbolic. Lately, Ling Yu focuses her attention on the island. These poems explore the relationship between the island and its residents as well as the destiny of the island. Each topic is connected closely in Ling Yu’s anthologies. She presents subtle observation about cities. Then she puts emphasis on history, the value of life and the effects of tradition and modernization. In her recent work, she focuses on hometown, clan and private space. Her anthology in 2010 succeeds the former work, emphasizes pure language and brings up the concept of void. This paper focuses on the connotations conveyed by Ling Yu’s poems through the themes of history, family and island. We can discuss the historical imagery of Ling Yu’s poems and her attitude towards land, family and self by exploring three main imageries—dimension, mirror image and dream. Ling Yu’s poems take historical person as a foundation of inspiration. From this, the poems extend to her hometown and family. She eventually broadens the subject from the place where people live to the connection between the island and the nation. This development of Ling Yu’s poems indicates her original writing purpose. Furthermore, they reveal how the poet interprets history. This paper is presented to analyze the images of Ling Yu’s poems systematically through research.


Ling Yu modern poetry history imagery space family home town island


