  • 學位論文


A Study on Ship Finance Insurance from Shipowner's Viewpoint

指導教授 : 廖述源
共同指導教授 : 曾文瑞(Wen-Jui Tseng)


船舶為船公司最重要之資產,亦是主要之生財工具,然而購置船舶所需資金龐大,為了擴充及更新船隊,一般船公司會向外尋求融資貸款,並且因而衍生出融資性租賃等各種方式來取得大量的資金。2008年以前,承作船舶融資貸款業務之銀行主要集中於歐美地區銀行,自從全球金融危機之後,歐美銀行曝露其本身之高風險及脆弱性,2017年上半年,原為全球排行第一的航運融資銀行-德國北方銀行(HSH Nordbank)宣告出售部份船舶所有權,以削減不良之航運貸款。於此同時,亞洲地區各國為支持國內航運業而開始參與船舶融資市場,亞洲銀行在船舶融資業務快速成長,及對於航運保險背景及實務之瞭解不深,導致與船東對於合約中有關保險條款時常有不同意見及爭議產生。 本研究主要乃針對船舶融資合約中有關保險部份作一全盤性之介紹。首先探討合約中有關保險條款常見之爭議點,佐以實務上船東所安排之海上保險內容及保單約定來解釋。其次,探討融資合約中所要求之保險轉讓及其相關文件,同時提供海上保險實務上所見之條文或內容以供參考。另,除了船舶航行於各地所面對的海上危險之外,亦面臨污染、政治…等風險,因此在以船東所安排之保險為基礎之上,銀行亦需考量其自身可能面臨之相關風險,例如,因船東違反擔保而導致海上保險保單失效、油污染案中因船東所安排之保險賠償額度不足以清償船舶貸款餘額…等,皆會影響銀行對於抵押船舶之權益,因此亦針對保險市場為因應融資銀行所面臨的風險,而發展出相對應之保險作一概述。最後以船東觀點提出各項看法及建議。


For shipping company, the ship is the most important asset and also the main means of making money. In order to expand and renew the fleet, the ship-owner would need the financial assistance due to that the ships are expensive to build and operate. The business of financing ships would generally involve banks or leasing companies, and develop the various kinds of financial lease. After the Global finance crisis in 2008, the trend of global ship-finance per geographical region is declined by Western banks and increased by Far Eastern and Australasian. Asian banks typically supported local owner and were not so active on the global scene until after 2009. While reviewing the loan agreement with Asian banks, we note that the terms of insurance offered sometimes cannot be matched by international marine insurances, which would cause disputes between banks and ship-owners. The research focuses on the insurance issues stipulated in the loan agreement and has the comprehensive introduction. It begins at the discussion of the related insurance clauses required in loan agreement. By introducing ship-owner’s insurances and coverage, this essay will provide the reader on how the mortgagee is protected adequately by way of marine insurances. For having further protection from the ship-owner, the mortgagee would request for the assignment of insurance and insurance documents. These would be described below in chapter 4, the contents of which would also include the discussion of Loss Payable Clause and Letter of Undertaking. Although the ship-owner will have marine insurances to protect its vessel, it would be better that the mortgagee arranges the mortgagees’ insurance to protect its interest. Mortgagees’ Interest Insurance, Mortgagees Additional Perils Insurance and Mortgage Right Insurance are designed to cover the mortgagee when the ship-owner’s primary insurances do not pay the settlement for certain reasons. Finally, this essay puts forward the views and suggestions from the owner’s point of view.


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