  • 學位論文


The Structure of Terrorism and International Law in the 21st Century: Counter-Terrorism Legal Framework

指導教授 : 韋淑珊


恐怖主義是21世紀一項複雜且艱鉅的任務。在國際社會一致明確地譴責恐怖主義的同時,各種反恐行動卻受到不同方式的干擾。一些關鍵議題尚未解決,且因恐怖主義持續以新的形式出現,使得問題處理方式更加複雜化。            國際社會目前所面臨的挑戰便是如何將譴責恐怖主義的聲名與將縝密的宣言付諸具體行動 (法制上、政治上與軍事上)。如此一來,可以有效的揭示恐怖行動對國際關係所帶來的負面影響。 “國際關係與其轉變”是”恐怖主義與國際法”研究的導讀。”恐怖主義與國際法”旨在說明恐怖主義與其結構。主要論點集中在法治框架下之恐怖主義的結構、恐怖主義定義的難題、以及國際法與反恐怖主義。 此研究發現,恐怖主義在定義上仍有不足,而這也影響如何預防恐怖行動。國際人道法禁止暴力行為,更在武器的使用與否上加以區分。我們可以對抗恐怖主義,但如何將之結束?當一個人製造恐怖行動時,對某些人來說他/她是恐怖份子;對另一群人來說卻是英雄。對於某些人來說是一種人權的侵犯;對另一群人而言卻是捍衛自己的人權。


Addressing in the 21st century the terrorism phenomenon is a very complex and challenging task. While condemnation of terrorist acts by the international community has been unanimous and unequivocal, efforts to control this phenomenon have been marred by different approaches. A number of key issues remain unresolved and the solution has been further complicated by the emergence of new forms of terrorism. The challenge that the international community faces is transforming the statements and well-elaborated declarations of terrorism condemnation into concrete measures (legal, political, military) that can effectively address the very negative effects and consequences of terrorist acts that influence the international relations. “The international relations and the transitional process” is the introduction to the study of “Terrorism and International Law” that is followed by the description of what terrorism is and its structure. The main points to be considered are the Structure of Terrorism, Definition Dilemma, International Law, and the Counter-Terrorism in the Legal Framework. This study found that there is an empty space when it is related to the meaning of Terrorism and this affects its prevention. International Humanitarian Law prohibits the acts of violence, and it makes the difference when it is an armed conflict or not. Terrorism can be countered, but at the same time how can it be ended. A person that commits a terrorist act, for some people he/she is a terrorist, but for others a hero; for some he/she is violating other’s human rights but at the same time he/she is defending his/her owns.


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