  • 學位論文


Japan Maritime Self Defense Force – Subset to National Strategy

指導教授 : 林中斌


日本自二戰結束之後,便以「重經濟、輕軍事」的原則重返國際社會,並且發展成一個經濟大國。然而自冷戰結束後,日本面臨到一個新的國際環境。1991年的波灣戰爭中,日本最初拒絕派遣自衛隊加入聯軍,但隨後便遭到世界各國的指責。以此為契機,日本開始改變過去四十年來的外交政策,試圖恢復成一個國際社會認可的「普通國家」。 在這個轉變下,日本的防衛政策也有所改變。除了訂立新法使自衛隊得以參與聯合國維和任務之外,同時也開始擴大自衛隊的防衛功能,包括了飛彈防禦、周邊事態等。而海上自衛隊在這波轉變中也負擔了重要的角色。然而,亞洲的一些國家似乎對近年自衛隊的轉變感到憂心,並且認為是一種軍國主義的復甦。因此本論文的目的就是要去瞭解促使海上自衛隊的轉變因素,究竟是出於國家戰略的需求,還是出於軍國主義的復甦? 透過本論文,我們可以瞭解到海上自衛隊自波灣戰爭後的轉變並非軍國主義復甦,而是一種配合國家戰略發展的工具而已。因此海上自衛隊從事的國際貢獻或是國土防衛任務,並非出自於侵略他國的心態。另外我們也可以瞭解到,現今日本的政治體制與二戰時期有著極大的不同,因此海上自衛隊也不如當年帝國海軍那樣具有影響政治的權力。


Since the end of World War 2, Japan has returned to the global community under the principle of “Strong Economy, Light Arm.” However, after the Cold War ended, Japan had come upon a new international environment. In the Gulf War of 1991, Japan declined to send in JSDF in the first plaece, which raised criticism from countries all over the world. Viewing this as a turning point, Japan started to alter its foreign policy for the past 40 years, and tries to regain the status of “a normal state” to be recognized by international society. Under this transition, the defense policy of Japan also began to change. Besides making new laws allowing Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) to participate in the peacekeeping task of the United Nations, Japan begins to expand the defence ability of the JSDF, including missile defense and “emerge event surrounding japan”,etc. At the same time, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force(JMSDF) has played an important role during this transition. But, some Asian countries seem to be worring about this transitions of the JSDF in recent years, and they have been regarded it as the Revival of Militarism. So the purpose of this thesis is to understand that what is the factors behind the transition of JMSDF. Is it a kind of national strategic demand or revial of Militarism? Through this thesis, we can understand that the JMSDF’s transition after the First Gulf War is not Revial of Militarism, but a kind of tool which matches national strategic development. The international contributions and missions of territory defense which JMSDF has engagemented are not an action of aggression. We can also know that there is a great difference between the political system of Japan nowdays and World War II period, so the JMSDF does not share the same political influence as the Imperial Japanese Navy.


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