  • 學位論文


Study of prostitute in Costa Rica and Cuba.

指導教授 : 白方濟


娼妓賣淫是一種勞力密集、低技術、女性和高報酬的工作,在全世界,更是一種普遍之現象。在現今的社會中,娼妓賣淫是無法被社會大眾所接受的一種行為,因為它代表著是貶低和物化女性、侵犯且不尊重他人的身體,更是一種違背人類道德文化的行為。 事實上許多妓女早已經選擇在這一行業工作。女性認為她們選擇當妓女是因為沒有別的選擇餘地,且社會的結構也早已為她們做出選擇。她們對於這行業的所作所為也確實對女性造成了傷害。賣淫長期以來被人們稱為是最古老的職業。在歷史上,早已把賣淫拿來高談闊論、褒揚、辯論和否定。 位處中美洲的哥斯大黎加與加勒比海地區的古巴,由於當地特殊的社會、文化、經濟和政治等背景因素,以及拉丁美洲屬於第三世界未開發國家,它代表著貧窮和落後,再加上各國政府和官員貪污的情況非常嚴重,導致當地人民工作的所得也無法支付生活上的開銷,唯一的辦法就是靠賣淫維持生計,藉由賣淫之所得,讓當地人民脫離貧困的處境。由於上述種種的背景因素,讓賣淫演變成一種當地的特殊文化。 本論文以中美洲的哥斯大黎加與加勒比海地區的古巴兩國之賣淫問題為研究主軸,因此哥斯大黎加與古巴之特殊社會和文化,以及由賣淫所衍生出來之相關犯罪問題為該兩國所帶來的影響,在本論文中會詳盡地加以介紹和分析。


哥斯大黎加 古巴 賣淫 雛妓 性旅遊


Prostitution is not a labor-intensive, low-skill, women, and high-Paying job, but also a general phenomenon in the world. Prostitution is a kind of behavior that cannot be accepted by people, because it represents degrade and objectify women, violate and does not respect for other people’s body, and even a behavior that against human moral and culture. The fact that many prostitutes had already selected in this industry, women believe that they choose to be prostitutes because there is no other choice, and social structure have long been the choice for them. What they have done for this industry is indeed caused harm to women. Prostitution has long been known as the oldest profession, and has been talk, praise, debate, and denial. Due to specific local social, culture, economic, political background factors, prostitution in Costa Rica, and Cuba is very popular. In addition, the corruption of governments and official is very serious, resulting of wages from the work of local people cannot pay for living, therefore, the only way to survive is prostitution. As a result, prostitution evolved in- to a special culture in these two countries. This thesis will focus on the prostitution in Costa Rica and Cuba, consequently, particular social, cultural factors, and impact of crimes derived from prostitution in Costa Rica and Cuba will be presented and analyzed in detail.


Costa Rica Cuba Prostitution Child Prostitution Sex Tourism


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Cabezas, Amelia L. 2004. Between Love and Money: Sex, Tourism, and Citizenship in Cuba and Dominica Republic. New York: Research Library.
