  • 學位論文


The Agricultural Trade Relationship between European Union and ACP Countries

指導教授 : 曾秀珍
共同指導教授 : 苑倚曼(Yi-Mond Yuan)


非洲、加勒比海與太平洋國家(Africa, Caribbean and Pacific,簡稱ACP國家)國家發展及消除貧窮之關鍵在於農業發展與農業貿易成長,ACP國家大部分農業貿易出口集中於歐洲聯盟(European Union,簡稱歐盟)市場,因此,ACP國家農業貿易成長依賴歐盟提供單邊免關稅及零配額之貿易優惠安排以及貿易相關發展援助。 歐盟與ACP國家於2000年簽署科多努協定,確立雙方貿易關係之互惠新原則,並鼓勵ACP國家進行區域整合,以俾融入世界貿易體系。 歐盟與ACP六個區域於2002年個別展開經濟夥伴關係協定(Economic Patnership Agreements, EPAs)之協商,依循互惠原則建立新(農業)貿易制度,歐盟承諾提供ACP國家除既有貿易優惠安排之外,並提供剩餘未開放的農業市場進入,以鼓勵ACP國家開放含農業之絕大多數市場;然而,EPAs協商並不順利,由於ACP國家發展、接受市場開放以及依賴歐盟農業市場程度不一,導致協商立場差異,尤其開放ACP國家市場被批評為傷害ACP國家(農業)發展利益,半數以上ACP國家拒絕簽署EPAs,目前歐盟與ACP區域仍就農業、貿易援助等重要議題持續進行協商。 非洲是ACP國家中最主要的農業區域,因此本文研究主體為非洲,並且從非洲、區域(西非區域)與國家(迦納)三個層次探討EPAs協商架構下的歐盟與ACP國家農業貿易發展合作關係。研究結果顯示EPAs促進ACP國家農業貿易出口成長之成果有限、缺乏相關貿易援助實質承諾、對ACP國家區域整合則各有利弊。


For Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP countries), the key point of national development and poverty eradication is agricultural development and the growth of agricultural trade. Most of ACP countries exports are concentrated on European Union (EU)’s agricultural market. Therefor, it is important to get Duty-Free & Quota-Free and trade related assistance from EU. EU and ACP countries signed Cotonou agreement in 2000. Cotonou agreement re-builds a new trade relationship and emphasizes reciprocal principle to foster ACP countries’ regional integration and gradual integration into the world economy. In order to create a new reciprocal trade regime, they commence Economic Patnership Agreements (EPAs) negotiation in 2002. EU commits to open residual market which is still protected under Lomé Convention and is concentrated on agricultural sector. On the other wise, ACP countries must engage in trade liberalization. However, EPAs negotiation doesn’t go successfully on schedule. ACP countries have different positions in EPAs negotiation which is result of the different levels of national development, acceptance for market openness and dependence on EU market. It is critical to open ACP market that will hurt ACP’s national development interest. Consequently, more than a half of ACP countries rejected to sign EPAs. At present, EU and ACP regions continue negotiating for the important issues of agriculture and development. Africa is the main agricultural region in ACP countries, this study therefore focuses on African ACP countries. In order to analyse the agricultural trade and development cooperation relationship between EU and ACP countries, it should study from three levels of African continent, region and country. The study shows that the effect of EPAs is limited because EPAs are lack of substantial commitment for trade related assistance and may hurt the process of ACP regional integration.


EPAs EU ACP Countries WTO agricultural trade


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