  • 學位論文


The influence of collegiate youth career through the cultivation of non-profit organization - evidence from Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association

指導教授 : 郭樂平




Along with economic development, enterprise operating activities brought the growing problem of environmental pollution and waste of resources. College youth is the future of our country, the concept of social responsibility should be woken up early. Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association is "just do it" attitude to nurture students with social responsibility and environmental responsibility to make up for the lack of family and school education. This study investigates the Tzu Chi college youth through the cultivation of Tzu Chi activities and life education, employment whether the concept of social responsibility or do a Social Entrepreneurs. This study used qualitative research in-depth interview, access six graduation and six students of Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth, explore participate the Tzu Chi activities whether affect their career planning or work attitude, try to understand the Tzu Chi activities whether change the attitude towards life of the Tzu Chi college youth. According to the results of the interview, four analytic structures were affirmed: 1. Tzu Chi activities affect or change the chi collegiate youth life; 2. Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association training collegiate youth; 3. Tzu Chi activities on the impact of college youth career planning or direction; 4. Tzu Chi activities on the discovery and discussion of the Tzu Chi college youth. According to the problem and interviews of this study analysis the results showed that Tzu Chi college youth through the Tzu Chi cultivation and Master Cheng Yen expectations unity of vocation, Tzu Chi college youth work planning for the future is vacations do Tzu Chi volunteers or into Tzu Chi vivo service. Tzu Chi college youth the cultivation by the Tzu Chi, Tzu Chi college youth want to follow Master Cheng Yen, do not want to do a Social Entrepreneurs and less likely to consider the business with corporate social responsibility. They think they will use the time to come back to participate in Tzu Chi volunteer activities.


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