  • 學位論文


Manpower Utilization of Colonel Officers and Above Transferred to the Civil Service -A Case of VAC

指導教授 : 黃一峯
共同指導教授 : 邱志淳


國軍上校以上軍官轉任公務人員制度,緣係民國五十年代,行政部門管理人才不足,乃由軍中養成有素之高階將校轉任,協助推展各項政經建設。隨著時代背景與社會需要變遷,轉任制度歷經數次修訂,使能與時俱進,故本研究乃以「國軍上校以上軍官轉任公務人員任用現況之研究-以輔導會為例」為題,期就轉任人員職級派任、工作調動自由、職期發展等研究目的作深入探究。 轉任制度在演進、修訂過程中,有論者提出「已不需要軍官轉任」、「軍官轉任是對軍人的照護」等論點,惟轉任制度係基於國家整體考量而制定,其任務隨階段性需要而調整,如對於百餘萬榮民眷、平均年齡已逾83歲的榮家榮民的服務照顧,以及「募兵制」施行,每年約有8,000-10,000人加入輔導會的服務照顧體系等,即係輔導會現階段的任務。因此,除了研究目的外,並期為此找出正確的觀念、合理的認知,進而建立共識,以免導致國家公務員文武誤解。 人力資源之良窳,及行政效率與效能的優劣,是民眾對政府信任度與滿意度的重要依據。身屬中高階層的轉任人員,職司政策規劃、計畫研擬與執行考成之責,所扮演之角色及所面對之問題,其之重要性與挑戰性可見一斑。 本研究旨在探究轉任人員的任用現況與相關問題,故以質性研究之深度訪談、焦點團體、文獻分析等,作為研究探索與歸納的方法。經研究發現,轉任制度確實發揮了踐履憲法條文、高階人力有效運用、促進社會安定、強化行政功能、提供專業服務等實質效益,然也陳現高階低用、所得減少、任用機關受限、將級人員想轉任、上校級人員卻步、轉任人數下滑等現實問題。 對於研究發現,本研究提出了修訂組織編制、解除分發任用限制、嚴格素質管制、暢通人事阻滯、增加轉任誘因等建議,期使轉任制度更臻完善,永續發展。


The system in Taiwan whereby officers in the armed forces holding the rank of colonel or above can transfer to the civil service dates back to the 1960s. At that time, the government was suffering from a shortage of administrative personnel, and it was felt that allowing senior officers who had acquired managerial skills while serving in the armed forces to transfer to the civil service could help with the implementation of various national construction initiatives and other government projects. Over the years, the transfer system has been revised several times, in an effort to keep pace with the changes taking place in the wider society. The present study uses a case study of the transfer of officers in the armed forces holding the rank of colonel or above to civil service positions in the Veterans Affairs Council to undertake an in-depth exploration of various issues related to the transfer system, including the ranks at which transfer takes place, the degree of flexibility in the choice of which civil service departments military personnel are transferred to, and changes in the required period of service, etc. The transfer system is undergoing an ongoing process of evolution and revision. Some commentators have suggested that the transfer system no longer serves any real purpose, or that the system is really just a form of “outdoor relief” for retired military personnel. In point of fact, the transfer system was established to meet real national needs, and its functions have been adjusted over time as these needs have changed. Today, the Veterans Affairs Council has the responsibility for caring for over one million veterans’ dependants and for the large number of veterans living in veterans’ care homes (whose average age is now over 83), in addition to various responsibilities relating to Taiwan’s efforts to end conscription and institute a fully-professional, long-service armed forces; every year, an additional 8,000 – 10,000 people become eligible for the provision of services by the Veterans Affairs Council. Besides its purely research-related goals, it is hoped that this study will also contribute to the adoption of more reasoned attitudes towards the transfer system and a better understanding of it, thereby helping to build consensus and prevent misunderstandings between those civil servants with a military background and those with a civilian background. The extent to which ordinary citizens trust the government and feel satisfied with the government is heavily influenced by the quality of the government’s human resources, and by its administrative efficiency and performance. As senior officials, transferred military officers have responsibilities that include policy formulation, planning, implementation and review; their roles, and the problems that they face, reflect their importance and the challenging nature of their work. The main aim of the present study is to explore the current status of employment of transferred military personnel in the civil service, and the related issues. The study makes use of in-depth interviews, focus groups, and a review of the literature. The research shows that the institution of the transfer system has been effective in embodying several of the key tenets of the Constitution of Taiwan R.O.C. including the effective utilization of high-end human talent, the promotion of social stability, and the strengthening of administrative functions. The system has also created real benefits in terms of the provision of specialist services. However, there are a number of problems affecting the system, including the employment of talented individuals in roles that do not fully utilize their skills, the reduction in income that transferred personnel experience, the restrictions on the agencies in which transferred military personnel can be employed, the disparity in attitudes to the system between officers of the rank of general (who are generally interested in transferring to the civil service) and officers of the rank of colonel (who are less enthusiastic), the decline in the number of personnel being transferred, etc. In regard to the research findings, the study puts forward a number of suggestions regarding revision of organizational structure, relaxation of the restrictions on the agencies to which transferred personnel can be assigned, the imposition of strict manpower quality controls, overcoming the personnel-related obstacles to effective operation of the system, the creation of additional incentives for transfer, etc. It is anticipated that these suggestions will help to make the transfer system more effective, and more sustainable over the long term.


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