  • 學位論文


The study of the functional characteristics of the hinge of a trileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve

指導教授 : 盧博堅


機械心瓣為了延長使用年限,樞紐轉動部位的幾何形狀將是重要的關鍵。第四代三葉片機械心瓣最佳化參數改良研究,針對葉片重心、樞紐轉動部位幾何、制動裝置與運動機制關係、停靠背曲面進行研究改善。本研究機械心瓣的凹槽為下弦月C字型開口,更有益於流場的通過,其運作方式則利用側邊接觸的原理及搭配局部突出式之後置式制動裝置來控制葉片的閉合行為。 藉由葉片平移測試及PRO/E 動態模擬進行分析,以確定合適的餘隙及干涉檢測分析。餘隙的研究將是掌控靈活度的關鍵,過猶不及將深深影響產品的安全性。另外,本研究所使用的參數將提供參考,以利下一代心瓣之設計。


In order to extend lifetime of mechanical heart valve (MHV), the geometric shape of hinge’s rotational part is an important key point. The study chose center-of gravity position, geometric shape of hinge, stopper and kinetic mechanism, improvement for stop-back, old-moon-C-shaped pivot as parameters has been design in this study, and it is helpful for flowing throughout. The closing behavior of leaflet is utilizing broadside touch and back-stopper. Move-test and Pro/E Mechanism module were used to analysis the gap and interference between the leaflets and housing ring. The gap is related to agile degree, so over or less could involve its safety. Moreover, the study will provide all parameters used in this research for designing future generations of MHV.


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