  • 學位論文

民進黨執政時期中國對台國際戰略之研究 (2000-2008)

A Study on China’s International Strategy toward Taiwan in the Period of DPP’s Ruling(2000-2008)

指導教授 : 翁明賢


中國國際戰略是鄧小平結合馬克斯主義的國際戰略理論與中國改革開放的實際階段,而制定出此一國際戰略。中國國際戰略是指主權國家在對外關係領域內較長時期、全局性的謀略。強調的是主權國家最高領導階層對國際大局和對外大政方針的決策,強調國際戰略是處理國際事務和對外工作的總的方針和原則,中國國際戰略主要目標為:中國國家安全的保障、中國國際地位的提升與中國國家的統一。 中國對台國際戰略目標不變,但策略與手段卻經歷著國際局勢、國內因素與台灣因素等而多次靈活變化,中國戰略三大戰略目標與解決台灣問題,實現中國統一具密切關係,若台灣傾向獨立,將對中國對外戰略構成全局性的破壞,故中國致力於解決台灣問題,且集中各種必要的資源,爭取在一個中國的原則下實現統一,同時做好武力實現和平統一。 為了不使台灣問題在國際政治中被突顯,必須使台灣問題邊緣化。中國對台涉外策略以三戰思維,遂行三光政策,達到矮化台灣、邊緣化、地方化、去政府化、去主權化的五化目標,在國際間消滅台灣國際人格,使台灣成為地區、地方政府,只要一日未能把台灣納入中國版圖,中國欲置台灣於末路的作法是永遠不會終止。 民進黨政府執政期間推動由隱性轉為顯性的「主權獨立」,主要基於中國鑒於民進黨政府在台灣的台獨傾向,二○○五年開始運用「經美制台」、「聯外制台」的動作外,更加速實施「去台灣化」的軟、硬兩手策略。結果,民進黨政府「去中國化」的政治工程,使得兩岸瀕臨戰危,而中國大陸仍然按其國際戰略步驟繼續崛起,台灣繼政治邊緣化後,面臨殺傷力更大的經濟邊緣化危機,使台灣治安、社會、民生問題頻生,導致台灣政治再次政黨輪替為本文之研究結果。


國際戰略 外交 獨立 一中 和平統一


The international strategy of China is the integration of the Marxism and China’s practical state of reformation, which is established by Deng Xiao-ping. Chinese international strategy is referring to the long-term and over all doplomatic tactics utilized by the nation under sovereignty state. What the Chinese international strategy emphasises are, firstly, the nation’s sovereignty state; secondly, the national executive leaders’ macroscopic rationale upon the international situation and the deplomatic policies; and thirdly, that international strategy is the principle to deal with international affairs and diplomacy. The primary objectives of Chinese international strategy are the following: the protection of national security, the promotion of international status of China, and the unity of nation. Although China maintains the same strategic objectives and tactic toward Taiwan, yet China remains flexible and different means due to international situation, domestic factors, and Taiwan’s own various factors. The three objectives of Chinese international strategy is closely associated with solving cross-strait, which refers Taiwan issues, and achieving the reunification of China. If Taiwan tends to independence, it will cause overall damage to foreign strategy of China.Therefore, China pulls all forces on collecting necessary resources to deal with cross-strait issues and dedicates to achieve reunification under one-China principle. At the same time, China also prepares to achieve peaceful reunification by force. In order to prevent highlighting the Taiwan issue in international politics, China has to marginalize the Taiwan issue. China regards “legal warfare, psychological warfare, media warfare” and implements the policy to achieve the policies which would lead to Taiwan being belittled, marginalized, provincialized, government removed, and sovereignty removed. China also seeks to eliminate the personality of Taiwan and to frame the image of Taiwan into a local government. As long as China hasn’t annexed Taiwan,China will never stop driving Taiwan to a dead-end. While the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was in power, DPP promoted Taiwan independence into a more public movement. Being aware of the DPP tending to Taiwan independence, China began to use the policies including governing Taiwan through the United States and governing taiwan through uniting other countries, and speeded up implementing “Taiwan removing”. The policy of “China hating” implemented by the DPP government has made cross-strait relations more risky and dangerous as ever, and yet China still rises step by step with the aid of its international strategy. While being governing marginalized, Taiwan faces even greater economic crisis, which further causes problems upon national security, society, and its people’s livelihood. Bearing all the above burden, Taiwan had to yet again change its party in power.


6.Johnston, Alastair Iain and Ross, Robert S. New Directions in the Study of China’s Foreign Policy. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2006.
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2. 于有慧,「中共外交政策走向與選擇」,問題與研究,第43卷(2004
