  • 學位論文


China's Strategic Investment in French Africa: Neo-Colonialism?

指導教授 : 曾怡碩


「中國在非洲是否扮演殖民國家的角色?」類似的問題,常被西方國家官員或媒體提及。在中國90年代執行「走出去」戰略,並透過許多戰略投資行為與非洲建立緊密的政治、經濟關係後,中、非關係進入新階段;然緊密的關係伴隨來的是來自西方世界的質疑與反動,稱中國在當地的作為無異於殖民者。   本文將試圖透過檢視中國在當地之作為,回答上述爭論已久之議題;惟本文將把地理範圍限定在歷史背景相似的法語非洲地區,利用「區域研究」的架構進行研究,並善用法語資料,得出較為精闢之研究成果。   本文之安排將分為三大部分:(一)文獻檢閱以及第二章的部分,將找出判別「中國對法語非洲是否有『新殖民主義』」的標準;(二)第三、第四章則為深入探討中國在法語非洲於貿易投資、政治投資、經濟援助、文化投資四大領域之作為;(三)第五章則將中國之作為套入標準,得出結論,分析並回答「中國在法語非洲是否有新殖民主義作為」之命題。   經研究後,本文主張中國在法語非洲的戰略投資行為,並不可一概而論的稱作「新殖民主義」之作為。雖然中國許多作為符合新殖民主義行為的標準,但本研究仍發現許多中國的行為並不能稱之為新殖民主義,例如中國對該區域安全議題未積極表態、農業投資並非媒體所稱之掠地行為等。另外,本研究更發現,中國與法語非洲關係深化的同時,其將遭遇更多投資上之困境;但中國在政治、經濟上影響法語非洲的能力,勢必將逐漸成長。


“Is China a colonizer in Africa?” Such idea has been frequently mentioned by western media. Having successfully carried out “Go Out Policy” in the late nineties, China gradually established close relations with Africa through dense strategic investment. This trend, however, has gone through western countries’ scrutiny, and thus described China a neo-colonizer in Africa. This study seeks to answer the question above by looking into China’s behavior in Africa. While making the entire Africa a research subject is far too vast and vague, this study will focus its geographical scope within French Africa, of which the historical background is relatively similar. This study constitutes three major parts: a. In literature review and the second chapter I will generalize a set of criteria that could eventually determine that whether China is a neo-colonizer; b. The third and fourth chapter will find out what exactly China has done in French Africa; c. The fifth chapter will review China’s behavior using the criteria made, and answer the question in the beginning. This study finds that most of China’s strategic behaviors in French Africa resemble neo-colonialism, but still there are several behaviors was discredited by media. Furthermore, this study shows that, while keeps strengthening multi-area ties with French Africa, China will become more capable of affecting French Africa politically or economically; yet, on the other hand, the obstacles that come along with thriving mutual interactions will bound to be an increasing trend.


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