  • 學位論文


A Research of the Effect of Contest-Based Digital Games on the fifth Graders' Social Studies.

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


社會領域是整合社會科學相關知識的綜合領域,其所牽涉的學科知識十分廣泛,培養學生在學習過程中,能清楚瞭解各種不同學科的知識內涵,則是社會學習領域的重要教學目標。國小高年級的社會領域課程內容程度明顯加深加廣,使得學生在升上五年級之後,對於社會科的學習成效明顯不如以往,也缺乏學習興趣。遊戲式學習具有娛樂性與教育功能,透過數位遊戲式的教學策略,有助於學生主動學習,引發其學習動機,進而提昇學習成效。本研究採用競賽式數位遊戲融入小組遊戲競賽法(Teams-Game-Tournament,TGT)教學,期能提昇學生的學習成效與學習動機。本研究採準實驗研究法之不等組前、後測設計,研究對象為臺北市某國小五年級兩個班學生共41人,按班級分派為兩組,一組為實驗組,一組為控制組,實驗組學生接受競賽式數位遊戲教學,控制組學生接受講述式教學,實驗教學為期6週,兩組學生均進行學習成效與學習動機測驗前、後測,利用描述統計、成對樣本T檢定與單因子共變數分析,來進行統計資料分析,藉以瞭解兩組成效之差異情形。研究結果發現:在社會領域學習成效方面,競賽式數位遊戲教學(實驗組)與講述式教學(控制組)達到顯著差異(p<.05);以競賽式數位遊戲融入教學的學童,其學習成效優於採講述式教學方式的學童。在社會領域學習動機方面,競賽式數位遊戲教學(實驗組)與講述式教學(控制組)達到顯著差異(p<.05);以競賽式數位遊戲融入教學的學童,其學習動機優於採講述式教學方式的學童。 研究結果顯示,競賽式數位遊戲融入教學可以提昇學生在社會領域課程的學習成效與學習動機。最後,依據研究結果,研究者提出幾項建議作為國小社會領域教學及未來進一步研究的參考。


Social studies is the integrated studies of social science knowledge. It involves a wide range of subject knowledge. The important teaching objective of social studies is training to understand different subject knowledge in the process of learning. The courses of social studies in fifth and sixth grades are obviously deep and broad. The learning effectiveness of fifth graders is apparently not as great as it was, and they also lack learning interest. Game-based learning is both entertaining and educational. Digital game-based teaching strategies facilitate students to learn actively, trigger learning motivation, and thus improve learning effectiveness. This study integrated the contest-based digital game into the Teams-Game-Tournament (TGT) teaching, hoping to improve the students’ learning achievement and learning motivation. This study used quasi-experimental pretest-posttest designs. The subjects of study are forty one students of fifth grade from two classes at an elementary school in Taipei City. According to their class, they are divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group (EG) was taught by the method of the "contest-based digital game"; however, the control group (CG) was taught by the method of the "lecture". This experiment has been conducted for 6 weeks. The pre-test and post-test of learning effects and learning motivation were given to both groups. The study used descriptive statistics, paired samples T-test and ANCOVA analysis, statistical data analysis in order to understand the differences of the effectiveness of both groups. The result suggests that the contest-based digital game (EG) and the lecture (CG) achieve significant differences (P<.05) in the learning achievement of the social studies; that is, students in the contest-based digital game surpassed ones in the lecture in the learning achievement. In addition, the contest-based digital game (EG) and the lecture (CG) achieve significant differences (P<.05) in the learning motivation of social studies; that is, students in the contest-based digital game surpassed ones in the lecture in the learning motivation. The result shows that the contest-based digital game can improve the learning achievement and learning motivation of social studies. Based on the results of the study, the researcher also provide a discussion in which some suggestions have been made regarding instruction and future studies in social studies in elementary schools.


黃寬敏(2009)。3D冒險式遊戲測驗平台-使用Wii Remote。淡江大學資訊工程學系碩士班碩士論文,未出版,新北市。


