  • 學位論文


The Human Capital Measurement Dimension of Telephone Dispatches in Financial Industry-from the Cognition of Executive Perspective

指導教授 : 謝宜樺


企業為了達到利潤極大、成本極小之目標,因此促使組織僱用勞動派遣員工以增加人力資源彈性,近年來,金融業電話派遣人員使用比例逐年遞增,故本研究便以主管認知角度探究其人力資本衡量構面為何。透過韓志翔、陳怡靜(2006)所發展之人力資本衡量構面量表,採問卷調查法對銀行主管及人力仲介業之面試官蒐集資料,並利用獨立樣本T檢定驗證假說,本研究結論如下: 1.從主管認知角度而言,電話行銷派遣人員,係較為重視能力型構面及動機型構面之人力資本。即員工應具備強烈之工作動機、高度地保持在工作上相互學習及高昂地工作士氣,以使員工對其工作盡責進而提升其工作滿意度。 2.從主管認知角度而言,電話催收派遣人員,係較為重視情感型構面、人格特質型構面及健康型構面之人力資本。即主管重視其成員間的合作程度、具備高度積極與主動性、面對壓力時情緒穩定的程度、員工對組織之認同、願意高度接受企業目標及價值及高度為組織投入高程度地努力,故組織應致力於要求、培養員工保持理性及友好之態度。


In order to achieve the target of profit maximization and cost minimization, organizations employ the dispatched workers to increase the flexibility of human resources. In recent years, the proportion of telephone dispatches has been increasing in financial industry. It will be in charge of this study is to explore the dimensions of human capital measurement from the cognition of executive perspective. We use the human capital measurement dimension scale developed by Han and Chen (2006) and utilize the questionnaire survey procedure to the executive of banks and the interviewer of human intermediaries company to collect data. This study exercises descriptive statistics and independent samples T-test to verify the hypothesis, the conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.From the cognition of executive perspective, they put more emphasis on capacity-based and motive-based dimensions of the human capital measurement for telephone marketing dispatches. It means that telephone marketing dispatches should have a strong working motivation, maintain a high degree of mutual learning and high morale to work so that they will work hard and enhance their job satisfaction. 2.From the cognition of executive perspective, they put more emphasis on emotion-based, personality-based, and health-based dimensions of the human capital measurement for telephone collection dispatches. The executives stress telephone collection dispatches’ cooperation with their colleague, motivation, emotional stability, organizational identification, willing to accept a high degree of business goals and values, and input for the organization. Therefore, organizations should require and nurture their staffs to maintain a rational and friendly attitude.


