  • 學位論文


A Case-Study of China's Cultural Soft Power Policy: The Confucius Institute in Hanban

指導教授 : 翁明賢


軟權力一詞緣起於約瑟夫.奈伊(Joseph S. Nye, Jr),至此概念發展至今已有20餘年之久。雖然發展過程中已經有不同面向詮釋,但是,對於中國所提倡的「和平發展」更是不謀而合,相較於「軟權力」,中國所提倡的是「軟實力」,這代表中國希望消弭外界的疑慮與擔憂。同時中國也積極對外傳播悠久的中華文化,透過積極設置「孔子學院」作為文化推廣的據點。特別是,運用「孔子學院」來做為中國「文化軟實力」新的形象。 事實上,自鄧小平改革開放政策後,中國經濟開始蓬勃發展,在此一發展之下,中國不管在國外與國內都遭遇到許多挑戰,中國希望透過文化的發展來解決這些問題。基此,之後的領導人江澤民、胡錦濤、習近平也分別提出加強對外文化交流,加強中華文化國際影響力。特別是,中國積極到世界各國宣傳中國漢語文化的同時,也吸收各國文化的精華。本論文為了能了解中國要如何建立「和平發展」與文化軟實力之間的關係,且透過何種方式及途徑來發展中國的文化軟實力目標。 因此,本論文期望透過歷史研究途徑及政治系統理論途徑,並從以文獻分析法及觀察指標法來分析中國文化軟實力的政策,進行理論與實證研究,藉由中國建立「文化走出去」的政策目標,並且透過公共外交、國際傳播、漢語推廣等途徑與作為,統籌由中國國家漢語國際推廣領導小組辦公室,作為對外漢語教學的運作機制平台。最後,經由以上三種途徑來檢視孔子學院運作的運作內涵與成效指標。希望藉由此一指標分析後,一方面可以了解孔子學院整體的施行概況;一方面可以檢視孔子學院的實行成效,更能使整個論文能更具有完整性與客觀性。


The idea of “soft power” was originally conceptualized and phrased by Joseph S. Nye Jr., and has been evolving over the last twenty years. Although the epistemology and hermeneutics of the concept are now multifarious, the soft power paradigm can be employed as an interpretive tool for China’s “peaceful development.” However, Beijing and Ney’s understanding of soft power are different because China heterodoxically re-interprets this concept by putting the emphasis on material resources and factors. Notably, this materialist connotation is directly related to the outside world, a world that Beijing is trying to come to terms and interface with. As a declension of this cultural engagement elan, China is actively promoting its soft power narrative through a network of Confucius Institutes which it has spun globally. The grand strategic raison d'etre of the establishment of the Institutes is the civil-society level propagation of Chinese "cultural soft power" for the sake of projecting a new international image of the Asian giant. In fact, since the Chinese economy began to flourish under Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening-up policy, China has been facing numerous domestic and external challenges that it hopes to overcome also through cultural policies. For this reason, just like his predecessors Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping is committed to foster international cultural exchanges and strengthen the global influence of Chinese weltanschauung. In particular, Beijing is actively promoting a holistic understanding of the tenets of the Chinese cultural tradition by “inculturating” it into diverse national contexts. This thesis investigates the synergy between the idea of “peaceful development” and the Chinese peculiar understanding of soft power, and examines the ways and means through which China's cultural soft power goals are pursued. To this aim, this research utilizes diverse theoretical and methodological approaches: from the historical-empirical method to literature analysis, from political theory to quantitative analysis. Such an integrated approach is necessary to systematically study China’s “cultural going out” policy as it is epitomized by the case of the Hanban Confucius Institute. Thus, even though this work focuses on a case-study, it should not be considered an exercise in reductivism. On the contrary, the analysis uses the particular to explain the general.


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