  • 學位論文


Insurance Multi-channel Conflict - A Perspective of Conflict Frequency

指導教授 : 高棟梁
共同指導教授 : 范姜肱


多元通路之使用以成為現今普遍之銷售策略。過去十年,保險公司為增加市占率,使用不同之行銷策略以提升公司績效,其中最重要者便是採多元行銷通路之方式銷售保險。然而,多元通路之銷售策略固然為保險公司帶來巨大利益,但亦形成通路間之競爭與衝突。過去之研究僅提供少數關於多元通路衝突之見解予保險公司決策者,鮮少著墨於以衝突頻率的觀點去分析保險業之多元通路衝突。爰此,本研究之目的即在以發生頻率確認多元通路衝突之因素。 本研究之研究方法可分為兩階段,第一階段採用修正式德菲法以確認保險通路衝突之原因,第二階段使用層級分析法評估通路衝突原因之相對發生頻率高低。研究結果顯示,垂直式通路衝突發生頻率較水平式通路衝突發生頻率高。進一步就保險業多元通路衝突發生頻率相對高低之觀點來看,「共同決策時對實際認知的差異」、「行使強制權力」、「目標不一致」依序為所有衝突原因中較常發生者。本研究之發現期望能協助保險公司決策者瞭解造成多元通路衝突之因素及其發生之頻率高低,藉此修正其銷售策略以降低多元通路衝突。


The use of multiple channels is probably the most common distribution strategy nowadays. In order to increase greater market coverage, and have better firm performance through greater sales, insurers have adopted multiple channels of distribution to sell policies during the past decade. Multi-channel distribution strategies provide tremendous benefits to insurers, but on the other hand, it also triggers certain challenges. Unfortunately, prior studies have provided few insights for insurance decision makers related to multi-channel conflict, especially in terms of exploring the causes of multiple channel conflict in an insurance sector and investigating the frequency of causes of channel conflict. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the multi-channel conflict factors and to assess the frequency of the factors that cause multi-channel conflict. The methodology in this study can be comprised of two phases. In the first phase, this study employed the modified Delphi method to identify the causes of insurance channel conflict. In the second phase, the relative frequency of factors causing multi-channel conflict was computed by using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP). According to the results of this study, the intrachannel conflict is more serious than interchannel conflict. Furthermore, “differences in perception of reality used in joint decision making”, “using coercive powers”, and “incompatibility of goals” are the three most important factors of over all causes. The result of this study can help decision makers in insurance companies to clarify the factors that affect multi-channel conflict and to identify how often these factors occur. According to the findings, distribution managers can identify the causes of channel conflict and modify their distribution strategy to minimize channel conflict.


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