  • 學位論文


Preference Analysis of Consumers on Bank's New Service-The Case of Debit Card

指導教授 : 曾義明


隨著新技術快速發展,改變了人們的習慣,也促成了更多不同的塑膠貨幣的誕生,讓交通電子票證不再單純只是票證,更賦予小額消費的功能。此種新型態產品,為何能將臺灣的銀行或是有發票證的公司趨之若鶩,因此本研究的研究目的是在以悠遊Debit卡為例,暸解銀行新型態的產品推動與分析顧客的接受度,及探討銀行業者在新型態產品推出時如何擬定推廣策略,以及分析有意願申辦的顧客群特徵與願意接受的要素。 本研究採用便利抽樣法,採用網路問卷來進行問卷收集,將問卷置於網路上,之後回收了300份有效問卷,並利用SPSS統計軟體進行資料分析,採用了敘述性統計分析、因素分析、信度與效度分析、單因子變異數分析及卡方檢定…等方式。 本研究結果發現: 一、由悠遊Debit卡的使用經驗可發現有使用過有使用過悠遊聯名卡的族群對悠遊Debit卡的接受程度較高。 二、由人口統計變數的研究結果可發現,除了性別外,其他對悠遊Debit卡的使用皆有影響。 三、從悠遊Debit卡使用經驗來看,消費者雖對悠遊Debit卡的了解不多,但不代表排斥使用。


As the techniques develop, people change their behaviors in using money, and more different kinds of plastic moneys emerge. It makes a travel card not only a ticket, but also having the function to pay low prices. It is interesting to study why the banks and travel-card corporations eager for such products. This study aims at, with a case study of Debit card, understanding the acceptability of such a new type travel card and the promotion strategy. For those customers who will to have such a product, we analyze their characteristics and the reasons. In this study, we use convenience sampling and online-survey. Questionnaires are in the Internet, and 300 effective responses were obtained. By the software SPSS, the data were analyzed by several methods such as descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis, reliability and validity analysis, one-way analysis of variance and chi-square test. The findings show that: 1.The people who have the experience on co-branded card have higher acceptability for Debit card. 2.By the statistics of people, gender is only the factor for non-using Debit card. 3.By the experiences of using Debit card, although people do not understand Debit card too much, they do not reject using.


Life style Fashion Consumer Behavior innovative technophobia


14.Mitchell, Arnold, 1979, Social Change:Implications of Treneds in Values and Lifestyles., Menlo Park, SRI International.
4.Demby, Emamuel, 1973, Psychographics and Form Where It Comes Lifestyle and Pshchographics, 2nd ed., William D. Wells, Chicago, AMA, 22.
