  • 學位論文


A study on the implementation of strategies of ‘morning reading’ and teachers’ perception of its effectiveness in junior high schools in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究採問卷調查法為主,文獻探討為輔,旨在探討新北市國民中學教師推動晨讀策略與晨讀成效之關係,本研究主要目的有: 一、分析新北市國民中學推動閱讀教育的政策及重點策略。 二、瞭解新北市國民中學獲閱讀磐石獎學校與一般學校之教師實施晨讀的策略與情形。 三、探討新北市國民中學獲閱讀磐石獎學校及一般學校之教師對晨讀實施成效的評價。 四、剖析新北市國民中學獲閱讀磐石獎學校及一般學校不同背景之教師實施晨讀策略的差異情形。 五、探討新北市國民中學獲閱讀磐石獎學校及一般學校之教師推行晨讀策略與成效之關係。 本研究之問卷調查以新北市公立國民中學導師為問卷調查的樣本母群體,採分層立意取樣方式進行抽樣調查,先在新北市五個不同行政分區各挑選兩個學校,再針對此10校隨機抽取半數導師為調查樣本,共寄發正式問卷329份,回收有效樣本共320份,有效問卷回收率為97.27%。 本研究之主要結論包括: 一、新北市推動閱讀教育的政策是配合教育部政策執行,目前採取的重點策略是全面性推動國民中小學晨讀。 二、教師對推動晨讀策略具中等程度的認同,其中皆以「教師以身作則」構面之認同度最高。 三、新北市國民中學教師對晨讀之成效為中度之正面評價,其中以對「早自習變專注」構面成效的認同度最高。 四、就整體構面而言,教師對晨讀策略之認同度會依學校所在地、年齡、累計教學年資及任教領域的不同而有顯著差異。 五、就整體構面而言,不同背景的教師對晨讀策略之認同度在學校性質、晨讀次數、性別及最高學歷等變項上均無顯著差異。 六、就整體構面而言,教師對晨讀成效的評價會依學校所在地、學校性質、年齡、最高學歷及累計教學年資的不同,而有顯著差異。 七、就整體構面而言,教師對晨讀成效的評價,在晨讀次數、性別、任教領域等變項上未有顯著之差異。 八、不同學校性質的教師知覺晨讀策略與晨讀成效間呈現正相關。


This study aims, via adopting the methods of questionnaires and literature review to explore the relationship between the strategies of morning reading and its effectiveness in junior high schools in New Taipei City. The main purposes of this study are: 1.To analyze the major policies and strategies of reading education adopted by junior high schools in New Taipei City. 2. To analyze the strategies of morning reading promoted by junior high schools in New Taipei City, and compare the differences in strategies used by schools with the Awards of the government and without. 3. To explore the effectiveness of morning reading perceived by tutors teaching in junior high schools, and compare their differences in effectiveness in schools with the Awards of the government and without. 4. To explore the differences in the strategies of morning reading used between schools with the Awards and without. 5. To explore the relationships between the strategies and effectiveness of morning reading perceived by tutors in junior high schools. The questionnaires of this study were sent, via the stratified purposive sampling method, to 329 tutors in 10 junior high schools in New Taipei City. 320 valid questionnaires were received and analyzed, with a response rate of 97.27%. The main conclusions of the present research are as follows. 1.The policy of reading education in New Taipei City has been implemented in accordance with the policies of reading education of the Ministry of Education. The main strategies of the current policy is to promote the morning reading in all schools. 2. The tutors’ attitudes towards the adoption of strategy of morning reading were moderativelysupportive, and the dimension of ‘taking teachers themselves as examples’ gained the highest support. 3. The tutors’ perceptions of effectiveness of morning reading were positive. The dimension of ‘Concentration on individual study in the morning’ received the highest regard. 4. Viewed from the dimension as a whole, tutors’ attitudes towards the strategies of morning reading varied significantly with tutors’ age, their accumulated years of teaching, their major teaching subjects, and the regional location of schools 5. Viewed from the dimension as a whole, there were no significant differences in the strategies of morning reading in terms of the length and times of morning reading per week, tutors’ gender, educational qualifications, as well as the schools with or without the Awards. 6. Viewed from the dimension as a whole, tutors’ perceptions of the effectiveness of morning reading varied significantly with their age, educational qualifications, accumulated years of teaching, regional locations of their schools, and whether schools having the Awards. 7. Viewed from the dimension as a whole, there were no significant differences in the effectiveness of morning reading in terms of tutors’ gender, the times of morning per week, and teaching fields. 8. There is a positive correlation between the strategies and effectiveness of morning reading.


