  • 學位論文


The Ideology Analysis of Neo-liberalism in the Taiwanese Professional Financial Newspapers-with Commercial Times and Economic Daily News as Examples

指導教授 : 吳怡國


新自由主義由發達工業國家推銷到新興開發中國家的過程中,無條件採取新自由主義政策的開發中國家並未收其預期效果,相反地,因為過度重視金融邏輯並採取高度的金融開放,造成金融制度的不穩定,甚至引發幾乎波及全球的亞洲金融風暴;在媒體的表現上,英國學者Parsons認為金融媒體的力量在於創造一個經濟論述的社群,將該社群的討論內容予以特徵化,並相對地改變讀者的意見與態度。本研究即鎖定了台灣兩大專業財經報刊,《工商時報》與《經濟日報》,分析其在表現新自由主義意識型態時與社會權力結構之間的鏈結關係。 經過對新自由主義發展背景、政策實踐、理論基礎與其所造成的影響做系統性的整理後,配合台灣的政經發展歷程,選定以陳水扁總統上任後所積極推動的金融改革為研究案例,配合意識型態理論,本研究發展出一套適用的分析架構,用來分析專業財經報刊新聞文本的深層結構,與新自由主義的運作機制,試圖將社會權力結構與媒體實踐做鏈結;分析架構分別為(1)解除管制帶來成長?(2)私有化還財於民?(3)市場造就正義? 分析後發現,在敘事結構方面,基於財經媒體的特性,兩報的報導與評論在量的呈現上都出現「重右輕左」的情形,大多數出現的字眼都與經濟利益有著密切的關係,在消息來源方面,工商業者的發言最受到重視;在意義構連與迷思假設方面,從本研究選擇的三個經濟議題?堨i以發現,兩報的邏輯推演亦都不約而同的排除與加重了某些特定的概念;這樣的概念排除與加重放到意識型態分析來看,是符合了金融與資本的利益,勞工與普羅大眾的利益則遭到忽略;而以上的情形,《工商時報》比《經濟日報》更為嚴重。


In the process of the development of Neo-liberalism from developed countries to developing countries, it is evident that no beneficial outcome happened to those countries. On the contrary, due to the over-emphasis on its economic logic and adoption of financial deregulations, an Asian financial crisis almost triggered a world-wide economic instability. Parsons, a British scholar, said that the power of the finance media is to establish a community of economic discourse and to characterize what the members of community talk about and it can therefore changes the readers’ opinions and attitudes. This research, using the two representative financial newspapers-Commercial Times and Economic Daily News, analysis the power relationships and the presentation of Neo-liberalism in these two newspapers.. After a through discussion of its developing context, practices of policies, theories, and its influences, this research has chosen several financial reformation issues proposed by the Chen Shui-Bian’s government as the center of analysis. The analytic framework of research includes: 1.Economic growth will follow by deregulations? 2.Privatization is in favor of the general public? 3.Marketplace is equivalence to the justice of distribution? From the narrative structure, this research finds that both the two newspapers all emphasize “the left hand” defined by Bourdieu, and the stress heavily on economic advantages of the gains. It also finds that the voice of business sector is much more valued information source. And the exclusion or highlights of certain issues are clearly evident. Such practices reflect and safeguard the economic interests of capital class. The voice of labor and the public, however, is ignored. Commercial Times is more serious than Economic Daily News in this regard.




